| | Projects:, | M.Vlada, Facebook, Twitter, icvl4all | | New Technologies in Education and Research (2010) ISBN 978-3-8433-6391-4 |
Thinking, knowledge, life, and the pursuit of happiness - all that matters. Microsoft Academic Search | FORMULAR Feedback
Do not forget to be creative! This is an option and a way to happiness.
Thinking, knowledge, life, and the pursuit of happiness - all that matters. Microsoft Academic Search | FORMULAR Feedback
Do not forget to be creative! This is an option and a way to happiness.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
CreatiVE - Virtual Heritage Edition
The first Romanian Summer School on Virtual Environments -
CreatiVE - Prima Școală de Vară de Medii Virtuale din România - "Virtual Heritage Edition": 30.08 - 10.09, 2012.
Şcoala de vară creatiVE (se desfăşoară în cadrul Universităţii Ovidius Constanţa) "își propune să iniţieze şi specializeze studenţii în reconstituirea virtuală 3D a vestigiilor istorice într-un cadru competitiv şi colaborativ deopotrivă, prin intermediul unei experienţe multi-culturale, ce depăşeşte barierele academice şi prinde rădăcini adânci prin explorarea şi depăşirea limitelor echipelor participante." Activitățile școlii de vară creatiVE se vor concentra pe sesiuni teoretice, conduse de specialişti invitaţi din ţară (Cluj şi Iaşi) şi din străinătate (Franţa şi Olanda), precum si pe sesiuni practice.
Ref.: Proiectul creatiVE: , ,
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Software în arheologie
La Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia ( în cadrul Şcolii Doctorale, la data de 7 septembrie 2012 se va desfăşura susţinerea publică a două teze de doctorat din domeniul aplicaţiilor geospaţiale pentru arheologiei:
- “Sisteme informaţionale pentru arheologie. Aplicaţiile tehnologiilor geospaţiale în arheologie. Baze de date distribuite” elaborată de doctorandul SÎRGHIE RĂZVAN şi
- “Aplicaţiile practice ale tehnologiilor spaţiale în arheologie. Modele predictive” elaborată de doctorand SÎRGHIE SABIN.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Mercator projection - first map of the world
Proiecţia Mercator si prima hartă a lumii
Gerardus Mercator (1512 -1594) was a cartographer, philosopher and mathematician. He is best known for his work in cartography where he created the Mercator projection world map.
2012 marks the 500th anniversary of Mercator's birth.
Gerardus Mercator (1512 -1594) was a cartographer, philosopher and mathematician. He is best known for his work in cartography where he created the Mercator projection world map.
2012 marks the 500th anniversary of Mercator's birth.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Queen Marie Of Romania - Castle & Botanical Garden in Balchik (Bulgaria)
Marie of Romania (Marie Alexandra Victoria, previously Princess Marie of Edinburgh) ( 1875 – 1938) was Queen consort of Romania from 1914 to 1927, as the wife of Ferdinand of Romania.
- "In 1893 she married the heir to the Romanian throne Ferdinand, a short, big eared man who was all but run over by his domineering uncle King Carol I. Marie brought a much needed breath of fresh air into Romania. Carol's wife, Elizabeth, was a strange character who wrote poetry under the name Carmen Sylva, and who Marie and an on again - off again relationship with. Marie and Ferdinand had 6 children, 3 boys and 3 girls. Marie was not fully allowed to raise the heir to the throne and so he turned out to be rude and unyielding. Her youngest child, Mircea would die at the age of 4, but the rest of her children did live on, the youngest one dying in 1991! The younger children turned out very nice, and later in life they looked back on their mother and her life with pride and wonderment."
- "After the death of her husband in 1927, Queen Marie remained in Romania, writing books and her memoirs, The Story of My Life. She died in Peleş Castle on 18 July 1938, and was buried next to her husband in the Monastery of Curtea de Argeş. In accordance with her will, her heart was kept in a cloister at the Balchik Palace (Bulgaria) which she had built. In 1940, when Balchik and the rest of Southern Dobrudja were returned to Bulgaria in accordance with the Treaty of Craiova, Queen Marie's heart was transferred to Bran Castle."
Ref: - ,
(in Romanian)
In Balcic (azi, apartine de Bulgaria) se afla celebrul Castel (“Cuibul linistit”), resedinta preferata a Reginei Maria a Romaniei, inconjurat de o la fel de celebra gradina botanica unicat in Europa centrala si de est, in special datorita colectiei de cactusi. Pentru mult timp orasul a fost supranumit Orasul Alb, din cauza dealurilor albicioase din jur. De altfel, intregului tarm i s-a spus, din aceleasi motive, Coasta de Argint. In prezent, brosurile din Bulgaria care prezinta orasul il numesc “perla litoralului bulgaresc”.
Sursa: FOTO:
Castelul reginei Maria din Balchik & Gradina Botanica (video) -
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