"In the higher education classroom, the textbook is one of the many tools used for learning. In some courses, the textbook is central to class discourse. In other courses, the text is supplementary and acts as a guide for segueing among the topics covered. Whatever role the faculty chooses for the textbook to play in the course, instructors and students alike consider the textbook an essential learning tool. In this digital age, the nature of the textbook is changing. Eighty percent of college and university students own laptops, and an increasing number are purchasing tablets, smart phones, and other handheld devices (Smith & Caruso, 2010). Recognizing the increased adoption of mobile devices, publishers are offering an increased number of textbooks in digital format. These digital texts, also called e-textbooks, can be accessed via the Internet and downloaded on tablets, e-readers, smart phones, and laptops. The adoption of e-textbooks, along with the broad range of interactive learning features, is projected to exponentially grow within the next two to three years (Becker, 2010; Reynolds, 2011). Unfortunately, as is true with many technological advances, the educational research to support the efficacy of e-textbooks consumed via mobile devices lags behind development and adoption."
Autors: Amanda J. Rockinson- Szapkiw*, Jennifer Courduff, Kimberly Carter, David Bennett, Electronic versus traditional print textbooks: A comparison study on the influence of university students’ learning, Computers & Education 63 (2013) 259–266, ISSN: 0360-1315, Elsevier Ltd. (Impact Factor: 2.970)
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