The Learning Process vs. Intelligence
Procesul de instruire-învăţare
MOTTO: "An intelligence is the ability to solve problems or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings". (Gardner 2003)
Este corect utilizat termenul de "predare" in cazul activitatii unui profesor (cadru didactic)? Nu, dupa parerea mea, deoarece este vorba de CUNOASTERE si INVATARE. Dupa cum vom observa, cunoasterea depinde atat de individ, cat si de comunitate (societate), in timp ce invatarea depinde doar de individ. Mai degraba se poate folosi expresia "instruire-învăţare"
CUNOASTEREA (un tezaur al omenirii): spatiu virtual si fizic de inventii, cunostinte, studii, analize, experimente si inventii stocate/pastrate sub diverse forme: carti, reviste, suporturi magnetice si optice, biblioteci digitale, etc. actualizate prin diverse cuceriri stiintifice, culturale etc.
INVATAREA (procesul/drumul catre cunoastere si fericire): omul este sortit sa inceapa -inca de la primele secunde de cand vine pe lume, un lung proces de cautare, de adaptare, de experimente, de bucurie, de fericire, de tristete, de dureri ... de impliniri, de remuscari ... de viata. Drama lui este ca toate acestea sunt influentate de evolutia cunoasterii proprii, ce inseamna de fapt INVATARE. ["Learning is evolution of knowledge over time" Roger E. Bohn, Ref.: ]
KNOWLEDGE: a treasure of humankind
LEARNING: the process / path to knowledge and happiness
"O pledoarie pentru schimbare în educaţie nu ar putea începe, în zilele noastre, decât cu afirmarea rolului principal care revine cadrelor didactice în asumarea acestei schimbări şi cu sublinierea necesităţii de recuperare a principiilor pedagogice aplicate, în contextul actual dinamic, marcat de utilizarea noilor tehnologii pe toate palierele sociale, culturale şi profesionale." Mihaela Ilie, Radu Jugureanu, Otilia Ştefania Păcurari, Olimpius Istrate, Emil Dragomirescu, Dana Vlădoiu, Manual de instruire a profesorilor pentru utilizarea platformelor de eLearning, Editura LITERA Internaţional, Bucureşti, 2008
Nota-Resurse: (pdf) | Documente
Nota: TKS 2011, The First International Conference "Teachers for the Knowledge Society", Sinaia, 17-19 March, 2011 (MasterProf)
The Conference is the closing conference of a two years EU project: Training the MST Teachers through a Master Program for the Knowledge Society.
Invited speakers:
Howard Gardner, Harvard University
Pieter de Vries, Delft University
Wim Veen, Delft University
- the abstracts: tks_abstracts.pdf (pdf)
"To learn is to acquire knowledge or skill. Learning also may involve a change in attitude or behavior."
For Dr. Howard Gardner, intelligence is:
"- the ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is valued in a culture;
- a set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life; - the potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledge. "(Gardner 2009, American Psychologist and Educator)
Ref.: Building the 21st-Century Mind:
Computer and Learning
Results and performance obtained through the use of computers have boosted the development of all sciences. Man and the world interact continuously, reality is seen from multiple perspectives, the information we received through various channels so as to have an adequate response, the knowledge we have produced, not reproduced. Learning is individualized, and cognitive and emotional development plan can not ignore the cultural, social, technological. Computer inciting the ongoing reconfiguration of the image that we have about areas of knowledge by accessing different sources of information and provides another way to know and to produce knowledge. Learning is broadly defined as change. The focus can be on what we learn (the product of learning) or on how we learn (the process). It is about how we change and how we adapt, grow, and develop. This adaptation, growth, and development occur from the inside out. The 21st Century Skills are critically important to support the challenges of the modern work-place and the dynamic and rapidly changing knowledge society. Learning solutions focus on developing or enhancing the competencies and behaviors needed by individuals and teams in order to accomplish meaningful goals and create a positive work climate that encourages and values clarity, interaction, openness, diversity, community and results.
The triad "Learning-Knowledge-Development"
This conclusion lead to examine in detail the triad "Learning-Knowledge-Development" (Fig. 3):
• Development - a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a specialist or a person "; Sustainable development is maintaining a delicate balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and feeling of well-being on one hand, and preserving natural resources and ecosystems, on which we and future generations depend; This component is a physical environment; this treasure can store;
• Knowledge – Knowledge is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as (i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, (ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information or (iii) awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation; the theoretical or; Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, learning, communication, association and reasoning. This component is a physical environment, but also a virtual environment; this treasure can store;
• Learning - Learning is acquiring new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, preferences or understanding, and may involve synthesizing different types of information. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals and some machines. Progress over time tends to follow learning curves. Human learning may occur as part of education or personal development. It may be goal-oriented and may be aided by motivation. The study of how learning occurs is part of neuropsychological, educational psychology, learning theory, and pedagogy; One way we use the cognitive processes in our daily lives is with learning. Learning is not just something we do in school or in formal settings. We learn every day. Sometimes our very survival depends on how well we can learn. That may mean unlearning our learned limitations and regaining confidence in our ability to direct our own learning. In today’s world, someone who doesn’t know how to learn is left behind (, 8 functions). By exploring your own learning process and determining your natural learning style, you can find the best ways for you to learn. Then you, not the instructor or the situation, are in charge of your learning. Learning is broadly defined as change. The focus can be on what we learn (the product of learning) or on how we learn (the process). It is about how we change and how we adapt, grow, and develop. This adaptation, growth, and development occur from the inside out. This component is only a virtual environment; this treasure cannot store.
- Figure 3 represents the relationship between Learning, Knowledge and Development.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The power of Learning
IMAGINATION: "Imagination is everything. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."(Albert Einstein)
WISDOM: "Wisdom is the daughter of experience." (Leonardo da Vinci)
WISDOM & DEFINITION: "The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms." (Socrates)
SUCCESSES: "Learning from our successes not our failures" (2009, MIT- E. Miller, M. Histen, A. Pasupath)
THINKING: "All what is correct thinking is either mathematics or feasible to be transposed in a mathematical model." (Grigore C. Moisil)
LEARNING & KNOWLEDGE: ”Learning is evolution of knowledge over time” (Roger E. Bohn)
LEARNING: "Human development is accomplished by knowledge and learning." (ICVL 2006, Vlada and Ţugui)
POWER & LEARNING: "Learning is power". (CNIV 2007, M. Vlada and R. Jugureanu)
TRUTH: "You can not teach someone everything. You can only help him discover the truth in himself." (Galileo Galilei)
TRUTH & UNDERSTAND: "All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them." (Galileo Galilei)
SCIENCES: "Sciences are models and virtual representations of knowledge." (CNIV 2008, M. Vlada)
PICTURE: "A picture is worth ten thousand as the words". (Chinese proverb)
CHARACTERS: "The book of nature is written in the characters of geometry". (Galileo Galilei)
LANGUAGES: "Natural environments are ruled by languages. Computer Science use artificial languages. Languages exist therefore, not for communication purposes alone, but particullarily for knowledge and processing." (eLSE 2005, M. Vlada)
NATURE & MATHEMATICS: "Laws of Nature are written in the language of mathematics". (Galileo Galilei)
INFORMATICS: "The informatics/computer science re-establishes not only the unity between the pure and the applied mathematical sciences, the concrete technique and the concrete mathematics, but also that between the natural sciences, the human being and the society. It restores the concepts of the abstract and the formal and makes peace between arts and science not only in the scientist' conscience, but in their philosophy as well." (Grigore C. Moisil)
MATHEMATICS: "If Mathematics was not "nothing would have been" no wheel and no computer, no press and no phone, no Computer Science or Cybernetics. But to all these entities materials invented by man, Mathematics helps man to think about life, create and imagine, to love nature and his fellows, to be emotional and brave, to be consistent and ordinary, to dream and be happy." (January 31, 2010, M. Vlada)
TEACHER: "A key role in promoting discipline among young people it is the teacher. It must fulfill its mission of teaching and teacher pedagogue using methods most appropriate discipline discovery by studying as many students. Teacher must his students not seeing the "good students" and "weak students", but "students" have to be guided to discover the knowledge and skills are encouraged to go through “step by step" learning and discovering the secrets of scientific knowledge." (February 1, 2010, M.Vlada)
TECHNOLOGY & MAGIC: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." (Arthur C. Clarke)
NEORONS & STARS: "1011 = The number of neurons in the Human Brain = The number of stars in the Galaxy". (2010, Source: The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA ,
"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." (Chinese Proverb)
"To learn is to change. Education is a process that changes the learner." George B. Leonard
"The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein
"Knowledge increases in proportion to its use - that is, the more we teach the more we learn." H. P. Blavatsky
"We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning." Elliott Masie
"The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage" Peter Senge
"The next big killer application on the internet is going to be education. Education over the internet is going to be so big it is going to make e-mail usage look like a rounding error." John Chambers
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Dinu Toiba
Ref.: Promotia 1978 - Informatica
Creating Rich Web-Based LIMS With Programmable XML Technologies by Dinu Toiba (26-oct 1954 - 4-feb 2011), The memory of Dinu Toiba
(Reprinted from American Laboratory September 2005)
"This article examines currently available Internet deployment options andillustrates the historical development of LIMS software from standard client/server technology through Web-enabled solutions to the arrival of rich, scalable Web-based LIMS applications. This technology is illustrated by the version 10 Web-based LIMS application (STARLIMS Corp., Hollywood, FL)."
"Conclusion: Impressive advances in the technology continuum over the past few years have ushered in an era of demand for enterprise-wide LIMS data availability. This data availability, coupled with the emergence of rich, fullfeatured Web-based LIMS, is facilitating timely enterprise action, reducing the total cost of ownership, and enabling multisite organizations to conform to best practices."
Source: (pdf)
In 1978, over 100 graduates of the Mathematics Faculty within the University of Bucharest have graduated from the Computer Science Department.Among the professors of this generation of computer experts we mention: Solomon Marcus, Livovschi Leon, Popovici Constantin, Văduva Ion, Tomescu Ioan, Cuculescu Ion, Vaida Dragoş, Mircea Maliţa, Andreian Cazacu Cabiria (dean), Dincă George (vice-dean), Nicolae Radu,(vice-dean), Niţă Constantin, Ichim Ion, Sireţchi Gheorghe, Georgescu Horia, Bâscă Octavian , Popescu Ileana, Atanasiu Adrian, State Luminiţa. Today, the graduates of 1978 unfold their activity in the country as well as overseas (USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Greece, Israel) in the following fields: IT, research, higher education, finance, banks, administration, and telecommunications. A number of 9 graduates have PhDs in Mathemathics or Computer Science/Information Technology (Catargiu Dumitru, Crăciunean Vasile, Dima Nelu, Ioniţă Angela, Marinoiu Cristian, Răbâea Adrian, Stoleru Anca, Vianu Victor, Vlada Marin).
- Autor al mai multor articole tehnice si pachete de programe legate de implementarea sistemelor informatice in laboratoare
- Stare civila pana in anul 2011: Casatorit, 2 fete (17 si 14 ani, in anul 2003)
- 2008: Întâlnirea promoţiei 1978 Informatică (
- 2011 (Miercuri 12.01.2011, ora 19.30): intalnirea cu Dinu la Bucuresti; au participat: Dinu, Irina, Ruxandra, Ariana, Viorica, Anca, Veronica, Elena, Craita si Sam, Angela, Catalin, Octav, Florin, Loti, Gigi, Iulius, Rados, Marinica, Vlad, Mitica, Gabi
- 2011 (Miercuri 19.01.2011, ora 19.30): a doua intalnire cu Dinu la Bucuresti; au participat: Dinu, Ruxandra, Ariana, Viorica, Anca, Veronica, Craita si Sam, Angela, Catalin, Octav, Florin, Loti, Gigi, Iulius, Rados, Marinica, Vlad, Mitica, Gabi
- A memorial dedicated to the memory of Dinu Toiba
Creating Rich Web-Based LIMS With Programmable XML Technologies by Dinu Toiba (26-oct 1954 - 4-feb 2011), The memory of Dinu Toiba
(Reprinted from American Laboratory September 2005)
"This article examines currently available Internet deployment options andillustrates the historical development of LIMS software from standard client/server technology through Web-enabled solutions to the arrival of rich, scalable Web-based LIMS applications. This technology is illustrated by the version 10 Web-based LIMS application (STARLIMS Corp., Hollywood, FL)."
"Conclusion: Impressive advances in the technology continuum over the past few years have ushered in an era of demand for enterprise-wide LIMS data availability. This data availability, coupled with the emergence of rich, fullfeatured Web-based LIMS, is facilitating timely enterprise action, reducing the total cost of ownership, and enabling multisite organizations to conform to best practices."
Source: (pdf)
In 1978, over 100 graduates of the Mathematics Faculty within the University of Bucharest have graduated from the Computer Science Department.Among the professors of this generation of computer experts we mention: Solomon Marcus, Livovschi Leon, Popovici Constantin, Văduva Ion, Tomescu Ioan, Cuculescu Ion, Vaida Dragoş, Mircea Maliţa, Andreian Cazacu Cabiria (dean), Dincă George (vice-dean), Nicolae Radu,(vice-dean), Niţă Constantin, Ichim Ion, Sireţchi Gheorghe, Georgescu Horia, Bâscă Octavian , Popescu Ileana, Atanasiu Adrian, State Luminiţa. Today, the graduates of 1978 unfold their activity in the country as well as overseas (USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Greece, Israel) in the following fields: IT, research, higher education, finance, banks, administration, and telecommunications. A number of 9 graduates have PhDs in Mathemathics or Computer Science/Information Technology (Catargiu Dumitru, Crăciunean Vasile, Dima Nelu, Ioniţă Angela, Marinoiu Cristian, Răbâea Adrian, Stoleru Anca, Vianu Victor, Vlada Marin).
Dinu Toiba (1954-2011)
Curriculum Vitae - de la absolvirea facultatii:
- 1978-1982, analist, programator,inginer de sistem, Centrul de Calcul al Ministerului Turismului, Bucuresti
- 1983-1984, Inginer de sistem, programator, Automotive Industries, Nazareth, Israel
- 1984-1985, Programator de sistem, Kontahal, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 1985-1986, Antreprenor, Inginer de sistem, analist, programator, Lee Raz, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 1986-1989, Proprietar, analist, programator, suport tehnic, Universal Micro Systems (UMS), Ramat Gan, Israel
- 1986-1989, Programator, analist, LIMS Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel (in paralel cu UMS)
- 1989-1990, Asociat, director, programator, analist, LIMS Ltd, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 1990-2011, Vice CEO, Director, Major Share Holder, LIMS Ltd, Tel Aviv Israel
- 1990-2011 Vicepresedinte, sef departament R&D, analist, programator, LIMS (USA) Inc, Hollywood, Florida, USA (societate controlata de LIMS Ltd)
- Autor al mai multor articole tehnice si pachete de programe legate de implementarea sistemelor informatice in laboratoare
- Stare civila pana in anul 2011: Casatorit, 2 fete (17 si 14 ani, in anul 2003)
(Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti)
1.Aldea-Gabriela 2.Andronache-Elena 3.Anghel-Ilie 4.Barash-Mariana 5.Berciu-Ion 6.Borcan-Aurel 7.Butnareanu-Ariana-Cristina 8.Caracostea-Adriana 9.Cariga-Cristina 10.Cherches-Rodica 11.Chiran-Dumitru 12.Chiris-Stefan 13.Ciobanu-Claudia 14.Ciobanu-Marin 15.Covila-Gabriela-Otilia 16.Craciunean-Vasile 17.Craciunescu-Dana-Maria 18.Cretescu-Dan-Ion 19.Cristescu-Magda 20.Dancila-Dochie 21.Dan-Lucia 22.Dascalescu-Dumitru 23.Dautner-Angela 24.Dima-Nelu 25.Dinescu-Dan-Marius 26.Dobrescu-Magdalena 27.Draghicescu-Mircea 28.Dumitriu-Florinel 29.Dumitru-Viorica 30.Florea-Mihaela 31.Ganea-Livia-Maria 32.Grecu-Ileana 33.Gunescu-Gabriel 34.Haralambie-Marcel 35.Horoiu-Elena 36.Iacovachi-Adriana-Florina 37.Ionita-Angela 38.Iuga-Viorel-Marian 39.Ivanescu-Octav-Gabriel 40.Jecu-Valeria 41.Kovacs-Carol-Emil 42.Lepadus-Lucia 43.Litman-Irin 44.Macoviciuc-Ioan 45.Maldarescu-Maria 46.Marinoiu-Cristian 47.Maxim-Viorica-Florentina 48.Mazetti-Gentiana 49.Mihai-Ion 50.Militaru-Mihaela-Petruta 51.Mirea-Mircea 52.Miu-Virgil 53.Moisescu-Magda | 54.Movila-Octavia 55.Munteanu-Aurel 56.Muresanu-Ana-Maria 57.Nagy-Antal-Laszlo 58.Nagy-Wilhelm 59.Necula-Eugen 60.Nenciu-Gigi 61.Nistor-Ioan 62.Nitulescu-Anca 63.Oancea-Mihaela-Carmen 64.Oprea-Constantin 65.Palade-Iulius-Cezar 66.Pasan-Virgil-Stefan 67.Patulescu-Vladimir 68.Pavel-Ovidiu 69.Pavoni-Violeta 70.Popescu-Gabriel 71.Popescu-Iulian-Daniel 72.Popescu-Mihaela 73.Rabaea-Aurel-Adrian 74.Radoslovescu-Ion 75.Ratiu-Veronica-Adriana 76.Romankiewicz-Carmen 77.Sandescu-Ruxandra 78.Sandu-Michaela 79.Serbanescu-Magdalena 80.Sfarti-Gabriela 81.Stanculea-Liana-Olimpia 82.Stanescu-Dan-Andrei 83.Stan-Florian-Constantin 84.Stanga-Irinel-Catalin 85.State-Dinu-Stelian 86.Stefanescu-Anca-Catalina 87.Stoleru-Anca 88.Szilagy-Ladislau 89.Taranu-Octavia 90.Teleojan-Lambina-Cristinel 91.Teosian-Kartgnez 92.Toader-Viorica 93.Toiba-Dinu 94.Trepadus-Mircea 95.Turceanu-Maria 96.Udristeanu-Anca 97.Ungureanu-Cristian 98.Ursu-Cornelia 99.Vianu-Victor 100.Visoiu-Dorin 101.Vlada-Marin 102.Voicu-Rodica 103.Vornicu-Irina 104.Zamfirache-Dan 105.Zamfirache-Vasile |
Gaudeamus igitur Iuvenes dum sumus. Post iucundam iuventutem Post molestam senectutem Nos habebit humus. Vita nostra brevis est Brevi finietur. Venit mors velociter Rapit nos atrociter Nemini parcetur. Vivat academia! Vivant professores! Vivat membrum quodlibet! Vivant membra quaelibet! Semper sint in flore. |
Să ne bucurăm, aşadar, Cât încă suntem tineri Fiindcă dup-o tinereţe agitată, Şi-o bătrâneţe-ngreunată, Ţărâna ne va avea pe toţi. Viaţa ne este scurtă Va fi terminată prea curând, Moartea vine fulgerător Atroce ne-agaţă-n ghearele-i. Nimeni nu-i cruţat de-aceasta. Trăiască şcoala! Trăiască profesorii! Trăiască fiecare-ntrebător! Trăiască fiecare-ntrebătoare! Fie ca ei să-nflorească de-a pururi! |
- 2008: Întâlnirea promoţiei 1978 Informatică (
- 2011 (Miercuri 12.01.2011, ora 19.30): intalnirea cu Dinu la Bucuresti; au participat: Dinu, Irina, Ruxandra, Ariana, Viorica, Anca, Veronica, Elena, Craita si Sam, Angela, Catalin, Octav, Florin, Loti, Gigi, Iulius, Rados, Marinica, Vlad, Mitica, Gabi
- 2011 (Miercuri 19.01.2011, ora 19.30): a doua intalnire cu Dinu la Bucuresti; au participat: Dinu, Ruxandra, Ariana, Viorica, Anca, Veronica, Craita si Sam, Angela, Catalin, Octav, Florin, Loti, Gigi, Iulius, Rados, Marinica, Vlad, Mitica, Gabi
- A memorial dedicated to the memory of Dinu Toiba
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Prof. dr. Vasile Preda
PhD Professor Vasile Preda, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania
1. Mathematics Genealogy Project ( Vasile C. Preda - Dissertation: Contributions To Statistical Decision Theory (original title in romanian language: Contributii in teoria deciziilor statistice) (Advisor : Silviu Guiasu)
2. MathSciNet ( Preda, Vasile
• Total Publications: 114
• Total Author/Related Publications: 120
• Total Citations: 80
Domenii de interes: Statistica matematica, Teoria deciziilor, Optimizare, Cercetari operationale, Inegalitati variationale si teoria echilibrului, Convexitate generalizata, Teoria informatiei, Criptografie, Biostatistica, Asigurari de viata si de non-viata, Statistica in actuariat (
- Conducator de doctorat în domeniile (din anul 1996): Optimizare, Statistica matematica, Teoria Informatiei, Matematica Actuariala, Inegalitati Variationale, la Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea Bucuresti
- 1996 – 2004: Decan Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
- Membru al Senatului UB (din 1996)
- Director al Societatii Romane de Studii Criptografice (din 2006)
- Director al Centrului de Cercetari Operationale al Universitatii din Bucuresti
- Premiul "Gheorghe Lazar" pentru Matematica, Academia Româna, 1992
- Peste 200 de citari in reviste romanesti si straine, peste 80 in reviste ISI (sursa: CV-LINK (pdf))
Este un profesor si matematician ce intotdeauna promoveaza rolul matematicii in domeniul cunoasterii, in educatie si in cercetare. Utilizeaza teoriile pentru aplicatii utile si demonstrative. Este receptiv la tot ce poate sa ajute la argumentare, deductii, demonstratii si aplicatiii practice.
In perioada 2003-2005 a sprijinit organizarea si promovarea CNIV (Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual): | 2003
-Gabriel Vasile, Solutii informatice: noi pasi catre un invatamant modern, IT&C, Market Watch, 27 octombrie 2003
- Personalitati academice participante la deschiderea primei editii CNIV 2003:
Prof. dr. I. Mihailescu, Rector Universitatea din Bucuresti
Prof. dr. V. Preda, Decan Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
Prof. dr. V. Magearu, Decan Facultatea de Chimie
"Nu intamplator aceasta Conferinta se desfasoara la Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica: trebuie sa va spun ca de fapt, creatorul calculatorului modern, cel care a conceput cum functioneaza un calculator, este un matematician, si anume John von Neumann, iata deci ca matematica joaca un rol foarte important in viata noastra ..." prof. dr. Vasile Preda, discurs la deschiderea primei editii CNIV 2003.
Publisher: Romanian Academy, Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (Format: print and electronic)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Helicoidal Models
DNA vs. Software Development
1. "Helicoidal” models for DNA dynamics
2. The Helicoidal Life Cycle - Software Development
1. "Helicoidal” models for DNA dynamics
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the nucleic acid that contains the hereditary information used in the development and functioning of all living organisms. The total genetic information in a cell is called its genome.
Ref.: Giuseppe Gaeta, Centre de Physique Théorique, Ecole Polytechnique, An amended version of simple “helicoidal” models for DNA dynamics
Read more:
- The National Human Genome Research Institute began as the National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR)
- The Human Genome Project (HGP)
- DNA Structure:
2. The Helicoidal Life Cycle - Software Development
Ref.: The Helicoidal Life Cycle – A Tool for Software Development and Enhancement
by Antonio Carlos Pinto Dias Alves, Unidade Gestão de Riscos
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
"The Helicoidal Life Cycle allows superposition of different development phases, thus promoting saving time and costs. Although some phases can be completely superposed by others, each one can be tracked independently whereas the whole system development can be tracked by a separate helicoidal life cycle that covers the inner ones in an onion style. So, from the examples of use presented, we saw that reductions in development time and costs cannot be ignored. In some cases, those reductions reached almost 50%. May be, when CASE tools specifically designed for use with the helicoidal cycle be in use, savings can be even bigger."
- (pdf)
Powers of Ten
UPDATE: Interactive Software - 2012 Scale of Universe by Cary and Michael Huang:
About Powers of Ten and Cosmic Zoom
"Powers of Ten takes us on an adventure in magnitudes. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light among many others. Returning to Earth with breathtaking speed, we move inward- into the hand of the sleeping picnicker - with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. Our journey ends inside a proton of a carbon atom within a DNA molecule in a white blood cell."
- |
- Cosmic Zoom : Discovery News,
"From a picnic blanket near Chicago out past the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, every ten seconds the film pans out to show a square a factor of ten times larger on each side. The video then reverses, panning back in a factor of ten every two seconds and ends up inside a single proton. The Powers of Ten sequence is actually based on the book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke in 1957, as is a similar but mostly animated film Cosmic Zoom that was also created in the late 1960s. The changing perspectives are so enthralling and educational that sections have been recreated using more modern computerized techniques, including the first few minutes of the movie Contact, and in a short digital video called The Known Universe created last year for the American Museum of Natural History. Ray and husband Charles, the film's creators, were known as quite visionary spirits and even invented their own popular chair."
Ref.: |
About Powers of Ten and Cosmic Zoom
"Powers of Ten takes us on an adventure in magnitudes. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light among many others. Returning to Earth with breathtaking speed, we move inward- into the hand of the sleeping picnicker - with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. Our journey ends inside a proton of a carbon atom within a DNA molecule in a white blood cell."
- |
- Cosmic Zoom : Discovery News,
"From a picnic blanket near Chicago out past the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, every ten seconds the film pans out to show a square a factor of ten times larger on each side. The video then reverses, panning back in a factor of ten every two seconds and ends up inside a single proton. The Powers of Ten sequence is actually based on the book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke in 1957, as is a similar but mostly animated film Cosmic Zoom that was also created in the late 1960s. The changing perspectives are so enthralling and educational that sections have been recreated using more modern computerized techniques, including the first few minutes of the movie Contact, and in a short digital video called The Known Universe created last year for the American Museum of Natural History. Ray and husband Charles, the film's creators, were known as quite visionary spirits and even invented their own popular chair."
Ref.: |
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