Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Constantin Brâncoveanu and sons

A terrible page of Roumanian history
Brâncoveanu Martyrdom, sacrifice for faith and nation
Martiriul Brâncovenilor, jertfă pentru credinţă şi neam

Constantin Brâncoveanu (1654 – August 15, 1714) was Prince of Wallachia between 1688 and 1714.
  • Saints Martyrs Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu with his four sons Constantin, Stefan, Radu, Matei-royal advisor and Enache Văcărescu were killed in Constantinople in the day of 15 August 1714, for countries that have remained in their Christian faith.
  • Brâncoveanu was deposed from his throne by Sultan Ahmed III, and brought under arrest to Istanbul, where he was imprisoned in 1714 at the fortress of Yedikule (the Seven Towers). There he was tortured by the Ottomans, who hoped to locate the immense fortune he had supposedly amassed. He and his four sons (Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei) were beheaded on the same day in August, together with Prince Constantin's faithful friend, grand treasurer Enache Văcărescu.
"Your Highness. My wealth, as much as it was, you have taken it from me, but my Christian faith is something I will not relinquish. I have been born in it and I have lived in it, it is in my faith that I shall die. I have filled the land of my country with Christian churches and now, you would have me worship in your Turkish djamies? No, Your Highness. I have defended my land, I have watched over my faith. It is always in my faith that I wish to close my eyes, me and my sons.” Then he encouraged his sons thus: “My sons, be brave. We have lost everything we had in this earthly world. All we have left is our souls. Let us not lose them, too, but bring them pure before our Saviour Jesus Christ. Let’s wash our sins with our blood." Constantin Brâncoveanu, August 15, 1714, Istanbul
  • Through his death, Constantin Brâncoveanu became the hero of a series Romanian folk ballads, as well as being depicted on some of Romania's official coinage. According to the Romanian Orthodox Church, the reason for his and his sons' execution was their refusal to give up their Christian faith and convert to Islam. In 1992 the Church declared him, his sons, and Enache saints and martyrs (Sfinţii Martiri Binecredinciosul Voievod Constantin Brâncoveanu, împreună cu fiii săi Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei şi sfetnicul Ianache - "The Martyr Saints the Right-Believing Voivode Constantin Brâncoveanu, together with his sons Constantin, Ştefan, Radu, Matei, and the counselor [Enache]"). Their feast day is August 16.

Biserica Sfântul Gheorghe Nou: Kilometrul zero al României

Biserica Sfântul Gheorghe Nou a fost construită de Constantin Brâncoveanu (1654 – August 15, 1714), domnitor al Ţării Româneşti intre 1688 si 1714.

Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava şi Academia Domnească

In 1694 Constantin Brâncoveanu înfiinţează pe lângă Mânăstirea Sfântul Sava o Academie, după modelul celei din Constantinopol care corespundea unei facultăţi de litere – filozofice (Facultas – Artrium) din cadrul universităţilor europene. Limba folosită era cea grecească, deoarece voievodul era interesat să aibă o şcoală grecească cu rol de instrument pentru apărarea Ortodoxiei.
Universitatea din Bucuresti îşi are originea în vechea Academie Domnească de la Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava, întemeiată de către domnitorul Constantin Brâncoveanu.

Din septembrie 2010 se fac sapaturi pentru parcarea subterana pe locul statuilor de la Universitate. Statuile au fost mutate temporar in Parcul Izvor. Pozele de mai jos au fost realizate in 27 aprilie 2011. Se vad zidurile din caramida ale manastirii. Ce va face Primaria cu aceste locuri?
In poza nr. 3 (Foto: Arhiva prof. Ionel Zănescu) din referinta de la Detalii (Jurnalul national) se vede si cum arata manastirea langa palatul Universitatii. Se poate observa (cine stie corpurile de azi ale universitatii) ca in poza la acea data nu era construit corpul ce apartine Facultatii de Geografie, unde azi este poarta de intrare in curtea universitatii, pe la facultatea de chimie. Initial, cladirea avea 2 etaje, ulterior au fost adaugate etajele 3 si 4 (in partea centrala, unde azi este facultatea de istorie, avea doar un etaj).

Detalii: Luminita Ciobanu, Academia „Sfântul Sava”, înalta Şcoală Domnească, Jurnalul National, 24 aprilie 2011, http://www.jurnalul.ro

Dedicaţie lui Constantin Brâncoveanu

"Închin această carte lui CONSTANTIN BRÂNCOVEANU şi copiilor săi martirizaţi Constantin, Ştefan, Radu şi Mateiaş"

Ioan Alexandru, "Imnele Ţării Româneşti" Editura Cartea Românească, 1981.

Ioan Alexandru (December 25, 1941 in Topa Mică, Cluj County/Romania - September 16, 2000 in Bonn/Germany) was a Romanian poet, essayist and politician. He received a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation in Germany, recommended by German philosopher Martin Heidegger and studied Philosophy, Theology, Classical Philology ( The old Hebrew Language and the old Greek Language ) and Art History in Freiburg, Basel, Aachen and München.

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantin_Br%C3%A2ncoveanu
- http://valahia.wordpress.com/2010/08/16/martyr-voivode-brancoveanu/
- http://brancoveni.ro
- http://ro.shvoong.com/books/classic-literature/1978331-holy-martyrs-br%C3%A2ncoveni-constantin-voda/
- http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mircea_Eliade
"Martiriul Brâncovenilor, jertfă pentru credinţă şi neam", www.ziarullumina.ro
- http://www.ziarullumina.ro/lumina/autor.php?wid=0&actual=1&editia=1143&autor=dr.+George+ENACHE
- http://cluj-am.ro/martiriul-brancovenilor-jertfa-pentru-credinta-si-neam

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