Thursday, March 12, 2020

Professor Zohar Manna (1939-2018)

"It pioneered the logical analysis of programs for correctness vis-à-specifications and for termination properties" 

by Nachum Dershowitz and Richard Waldinger, “Zohar Manna (1939-2018)”, Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 31, no. 6, December 2019, pp. 643-660.
Dear Professor Vlada
I found something you wrote on the internet about the late Zohar Manna (my thesis advisor) and incorporated it in these recent obituaries:

Nachum Dershowitz and Richard Waldinger, December 2019, “Zohar Manna (1939-2018)”, Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 643-660. (see attached)

Nachum Dershowitz and Richard Waldinger, February 2020, “Zohar Manna”,Association of Automated Reasoning (AAR) Newsletter, no. 130.

 pp.5 -

"Zohar’s magnificent textbook, Mathematical Theory of Computation [36], was extraordinarily influential.
It pioneered the logical analysis of programs for correctness vis-à-specifications and for termination properties. For very many of today’s computer scientists, this book was their introduction to formal methods. An example of Zohar’s unsung generosity is this acknowledgment by Marin Vlada (now a professor of computer science at the University of Bucharest):
I must also thank Professor Manna who in 1977 sent me – by package post – his Mathematical Theory of Computation, published in 1974 [and several scientific articles]. I was a student, and I used everything he sent me to advance my undergraduate work. I must admit that I was very surprised by his kindness, considering that Romania is separated from the U.S.A. by a very large ocean. . . .
Thank you very much sir!"

References: M. Vlada, Professor Zohar Manna, 21 martie 2011,

Thank the professor that in 1977 sent me a package post. The package containing the book published in 1974 and several scientific articles.We used the book to the development paper license. Thank you very much sir!

Trebuie să-i mulțumesc și astăzi domnului profesor Manna pentru că în anul 1977 mi-a trimis prin colet poștal cartea sa "Mathematical theory of computation. McGraw Hill, 1974" publicată în anul 1974. Eram student și am folosit tot ce mi-a trimis la elaborarea lucrării mele de licență. Trebuie să recunosc ca am fost foarte mirat de amabilitatea sa, ținănd seama că România este despărțită de U.S.A printr-un ocean foarte mare.

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