Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Istoria înființării științei calculatoarelor în România

Dr. Pham Gia Duc, Istoria înființării și a dezvoltării științei calculatoarelor în R.S.R., Rezumatul tezei de doctorat, Centrul de multiplicare al Universității din București, 1972 (Teza de doctorat are 185 de pagini și are cota IV 40230 în catalogul Bibliotecii Naționale a României, dar nu se poate consulta). Ref.:

Update 22 iunie 2019: Anul 1972, După susținerea publică a tezei de doctorat a domnului Pham Gia Duc. De la stânga - Leon Livovschi, Dragoș Vaida, Constantin P. Popovici, Cabiria Andreian-Cazacu,  Pham Gia Duc + coleg vietnamez, Solomon Marcus, amf. Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Matematică, Universitatea din București (fotografie personală prof. Dragoș Vaida)

Update:  RĂSPUNS de la National Library of Viet Nam
Thu, Jan 3, 6:18 AM (1 day ago)

Dear Mr. Marin Vlada,

Greetings from the National Library of Viet Nam! Thank you for contacting with us. I am writing to reply your information request dated December 17, 2018 as follows:
- The National Library of Viet Nam is currently archiving the hard copy of the Doctoral Thesis " Istoria infiintarii si a dezvoltarii stiintei calculatoarelor in Republica Socialista Romania" only, but has not had the digital copy of the document yet.
- Under the Vietnamese Intellectual Property Law, the copyright term of the works like this are throughout the author's life and 50 years after the author's death. This Doctoral Thesis has the publication year of 1972, so it is still within the copyright term.
- According to regulations, in the case the library wants to create a duplicate copy for a third party, the author's consent is required. However, the library does not have the author's contact to ask for this advice which prevent us from meeting your request at the moment.
We look forward to your understanding about this case.

Thanks and best regards,
General Administration Division National Library of Viet Nam

From: "Marin Vlada" To: "info" Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 5:58:21 
PM Subject: Những lời cầu nguyện từ Romania-Châu Âu / Prayers from Romania-Europe

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