Friday, November 4, 2016

Research Area - Mathematics; Computer Science and Informatics

Proiecte de cercetare - Competitie 2016:
Research Area:
ANEXA 3-Domenii ştiinţifice Domain Code: PE; Subdomain Code: PE1, PE2, PE3 … PE10; Research Area Code: PE1_1 ... PE1_21; P10_1 ... P10_1.


PE1 Mathematics: All areas of mathematics, pure and applied, plus mathematical foundations of computer science, mathematical physics and statistics.
PE1_1 Logic and foundations; PE1_2 Algebra; PE1_3 Number theory; PE1_4 Algebraic and complex geometry; PE1_5 Geometry; PE1_6 Topology; PE1_7 Lie groups, Lie algebras; PE1_8 Analysis; PE1_9 Operator algebras and functional analysis; PE1_10 ODE and dynamical systems; PE1_11 Theoretical aspects of partial differential equations; PE1_12 Mathematical physics; PE1_13 Probability; PE1_14 Statistics; PE1_15 Discrete mathematics and combinatorics; PE1_16 Mathematical aspects of computer science; PE1_17 Numerical analysis; PE1_18 Scientific computing and data processing; PE1_19 Control theory and optimisation; PE1_20 Application of mathematics in science; PE1_21 Application of mathematics in industry and society;

Computer Science and Informatics

PE6 Computer Science and Informatics: Informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems.
PE6_1 Computer architecture, pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing; PE6_2 Computer systems, parallel/distributed systems, sensor networks, embedded systems, cyber-physical systems; PE6_3 Software engineering, operating systems, computer languages; PE6_4 Theoretical computer science, formal methods, and quantum computing; PE6_5 Cryptology, security, privacy, quantum crypto; PE6_6 Algorithms, distributed, parallel and network algorithms, algorithmic game theory; PE6_7 Artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, multi agent systems; PE6_8 Computer graphics, computer vision, multi media, computer games; PE6_9 Human computer interaction and interface, visualisation and natural language processing; PE6_10 Web and information systems, database systems, information retrieval and digital libraries, data fusion; PE6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video); PE6_12 Scientific computing, simulation and modelling tools; PE6_13 Bioinformatics, biocomputing, and DNA and molecular computation.

Informatics Europe -

Informatics Europe represents the academic and research community in Information and Computer Sciences in Europe. Bringing together university departments and research laboratories, it creates a strong common voice to safeguard and shape quality research and education in Information and Computer Sciences in Europe. With over 100 member institutions across 25 countries, Informatics Europe promotes common positions and acts on common priorities. MORE: (pdf)

Teză de doctor by Angela Globa, Chișinău

GLOBA ANGELA, Abordări metodice privind implementarea noilor tehnologii informaţionale în procesul de studiere a disciplinei universitare „Tehnici de programare”, Teză de doctor în științe pedagogice, 532.02 Didactica informaticii , Conducător științific: prof. univ. dr. Liubomir Chiriac, Chișinău, 2016 - (odf)

Extras Referințe.
[22] Vlada M., New Technologies in Education and Research. Models and Methodologies, Technologies and Software Solutions. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2010. 260 p. ISBN 978-3-8433-6391-4.144
[23] Vlada M., Jugureanu R., Albeanu G. The Romanian Projects for e-Learning Technologies. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL), Bucharest University Press, 2011. p. 71-77. ISSN 1844- 8933
[151] Vlada M. Tehnologiile societăţii informaţionale. Conferinţa Naţională de Învăţământ Virtual (CNIV) „Software și Management Educațional: 2010-către o societate a cunoașterii-2030” dedicată împlinirii a 100 de ani de la naşterea lui Grigore C. Moisil. Ediţia a III-a, 2005. România, Universitatea din București, 28-30 octombrie 2005. p.19-32.

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