Monday, June 6, 2016

Grigore C. Moisil, 1996 Computer Pioneer Award

"For the development of polyvalent logic switching circuits, the Romanian School of Computing, and support of the first Romanian computers."
Grigore C. Moisil pioneered the application of mathematical logic to computer science. In the 1950s, Moisil developed a new structural theory of finite automata and proposed what he called "The trivalent Lukasziewiczian algebras applied to the logic of switching circuits," an important contribution to the development of computer science in those early years.


"In 1996, the IEEE Computer Society granted him posthumously the Computer Pioneer Award, in recognition of his merits as founder of computer science, along with other thirty-two scientists among whom E.W.Dijkstra, H.H. Aitken, J.F.Forester, K.Zuse and D.A.Huffman.[24] Solomon Marcus (1925-2016), one of the outstanding personalities of the Romanian culture and mathematical world, wrote: Moisil’s heritage belongs to the Romanian culture and the new generations deserve to know this unusual personality." Ioana I. Moisil, ICCCC 2016 from

Source: ICCCC 2016 - dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Grigore C. Moisil, 6th International Conference on Computers Communications and Control- IEEE & Agora University of Oradea

About the Computer Pioneer Award

The Computer Pioneer was established in 1981 by the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society to recognize and honor the vision of those people whose efforts resulted in the creation and continued vitality of the computer industry. The award is presented to outstanding individuals whose main contribution to the concepts and development of the computer field was made at least fifteen years earlier - Image and Ref.: .

Computer Pioneer Past Recipients

1.    2016: E. Grady Booch     - For pioneering work in Object Modeling that led to the creation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
2.    2015: Michael J. Flynn - For more than 50 years of leadership, which includes the creation of TCCA and SIGARCH, basic contributions to computer arithmetic, microarchitecture and multiprocessing, and quantitative analysis of microarchitectures.
3.    2015: Peter M. Kogge - For the pioneering of three areas of computer architecture development of parallel algorithms for recurrence embodied in the Kogge-Stone adder, development of the multi-core microprocessor chip and the formalization of methods for designing the control of a computer pipeline.
4.    2014: Linus Torvalds   -  For pioneering development of the Linux kernel using the open-source approach.
5.    2013: Stephen B. Furber  -   For pioneering work as a principal designer of the ARM 32-bit RISC microprocessor.
6.    2013: Edward Feigenbaum  -   For pioneering work in Artificial Intelligence, including development of the basic principles and methods of knowledge-based systems and their practical applications.
7.    2012: Cleve Moler   -  For improving the quality of mathematical software, making it more accessible and creating MATLAB.
8.    2011: David Kuck  -   For pioneering parallel architectures including the Illiac IV, the Burroughs BSP, and Cedar; and, for revolutionary parallel compiler technology including Parafrase and KAP Tools.
9.    2009: Jean Sammet  -   For pioneering work and lifetime achievement as one of the first developers and researchers in programming languages.
10.    2009: Lynn Conway   -  For contributions to superscalar architecture, including multiple-issue dynamic instruction scheduling, and for the innovation and widespread teaching of simplified VLSI design methods.
11.    2008: Betty Jean Jennings Bartik  -   For pioneering work as one of the first programmers, including co-leading the first teams of ENIAC programmers, and pioneering work on BINAC and UNIVAC I.
12.    2008: Edward J. McCluskey  -   For seminal contributions to the design and synthesis of digital systems over five decades, including the first algorithm for logic synthesis (the Quine-McCluskey method).
13.    2008: Carl A. Petri  -   For establishing Petri net theory in 1962, which not only was cited by hundreds of thousands of scientific publications but also significantly advanced the fields of parallel and distributed computing.
14.    2006: Mamoru Hosaka  -   For recognition of pioneering activities within computing in Japan.
15.    2006: Arnold M. Spielberg   -  For recognition of contribution to real-time data acquisition and recording that significantly contributed to the definition of modern feedback and control processes.
16.    2004: Frances (Fran) E. Allen  -   For pioneering work establishing the theory and practice of compiler optimization.
17.    2003: Martin Richards  -   For pioneering system software portability through the programming language BCPL widely influential and used in academia and industry for a variety of prominent system software.
18.    2002: Per Brinch Hansen  -   For pioneering development in operating systems and concurrent programming, exemplified by work on the RC4000 multiprogramming system, monitors, and Concurrent Pascal.
19.    2002: Robert W. Bemer   -  For meeting the world's needs for variant character sets and other symbols, via ASCII, ASCII-alternate sets, and escape sequences.
20.    2001: Vernon L. Schatz  -   For the development of Electronics Funds Transfer which made possible computer to computer commercial transactions via the banking system.
21.    2001: William H. Bridge  -   For the marrying of computer and communications technology in the GE DATANET 30, putting terminals on peoples desks to communicate with and timeshare a computer, leading directly to the development of the personal computer, computer networking and the internet.
22.    2000: Harold W. Lawson  -   For inventing the pointer variable and introducing this concept into PL/I, thus providing for the first time, the capability to flexibly treat linked lists in a general-purpose high level language.
23.    2000: Gennady Stolyarov  -   For pioneering development in Minsk series computers' software, of the information systems' software and applications and for data processing and data base management systems concepts dissemination and promotion.
24.    2000: Georgiy Lopato  -   For pioneering development in Belarus of the Minsk series computers' hardware, of the multicomputer complexes and of the RV family of mobile computers for heavy field conditions.
25.    1999: Herbert Freeman   -  For pioneering work on the first computer built by the Sperry Corporation, the SPEEDAC, and for subsequent contributions to the areas of computer graphics and image processing.
26.    1998: Irving John (Jack) Good  -   For significant contributions to the field of computing as a Cryptologist and statistician during World War II at Bletchley Park, as an early worker and developer of the Colossus at Bletchley Park and on the University of Manchester Mark I, the world's first stored program computer.
27.    1997: Homer (Barney) Oldfield  -   For pioneering work in the development of banking applications through the implementation of ERMA, and the introduction of computer manufacturing to GE.
28.    1997: Frances Elizabeth (Betty) Snyder-Holberton  -   For the development of the first sort-merge generator for the Univac which inspired the first ideas about compilation.
29.    1996: Angel Angelov  -   For computer science technologies in Bulgaria.
30.    1996: Richard F. Clippinger  -   For computing laboratory staff member, Aberdeen Proving Ground, who converted the ENIAC to a stored program.
31.    1996: Edgar Frank Codd  -   For the invention of the first abstract model for database management.
32.    1996: Norbert Fristacky -    For pioneering digital devices.
33.    1996: Victor M. Glushkov   -  For digital automation of computer architecture.
34.    1996: Jozef Gruska   -  For the development of computer science in former Czechoslovakia with fundamental contributions to the theory of computing and extraordinary organizational activities.
35.    1996: Jiri Horejs  -   For informatics and computer science.
36.    1996: Lubomir Georgiev Iliev  -   A founder and influential leader of computing in Bulgaria; leader of the team that developed the first Bulgarian computer; made fundamental and continuing contributions to abstract mathematics and software.
37.    1996: Robert E. Kahn  -   For the co-invention of the TCP/IP protocols and for originating the Internet program.
38.    1996: Laszlo Kalmar  -   For recognition as the developer of a 1956 logical machine and the design of the MIR computer in Hungary.
39.    1996: Antoni Kilinski  -   For pioneering work in the construction of the first commercial computers in Poland, and for the development of university curriculum in computer science.
40.    1996: Laszlo Kozma  -   For development of the 1930 relay machines, and going on to build early computers in post-war Hungary.
41.    1996: Sergey A. Lebedev  -   For the first computer in the Soviet Union.
42.    1996: Alexey A. Lyapunov  -   For Soviet cybernetics and programming.
43.    1996: Romuald W. Marczynski   -  For pioneering work in the construction of the first Polish digital computers and contributions to fundamental research in computer architecture.
44.    1996: Grigore C. Moisil  -   For polyvalent logic switching circuits.
45.    1996: Ivan Plander   -  For the introduction of computer hardware technology into Slovakia and the development of the first control computer.
46.    1996: Arnols Reitsakas   -  For contributions to Estonia's computer age.
47.    1996: Antonin Svoboda  -   For the pioneering work leading to the development of computer research in Czechoslovakis and the design and construction of the SAPO and EPOS computers.
48.    1995: Gerald Estrin  -   For significant developments on early computers.
49.    1995: David Evans  -   For seminal work on computer graphics.
50.    1995: Butler Lampson  -   For early concepts and developments of the PC.
51.    1995: Marvin Minsky -    For conceptual development of artificial intelligence.
52.    1995: Kenneth Olsen  -   For concepts and development of minicomputers.
53.    1994: Gerrit A. Blaauw  -   In recognition of your contributions to the IBM System/360 Series of computers.
54.    1994: Harlan D. Mills   -  In recognition of contributions to Structured Programming.
55.    1994: Dennis M. Ritchie   -  In recognition of contributions to the development of Unix.
56.    1994: Ken L. Thompson  -   For his work with UNIX.
57.    1993: Erich Bloch  -   For high speed computing.
58.    1993: Jack S. Kilby  -   For co-inventing the integrated circuit.
59.    1993: Willis H. Ware   -  For the design of IAS and Johnniac computers.
60.    1992: Stephen W. Dunwell  -   For project stretch.
61.    1992: Douglas C. Engelbart  -   For human machine interaction.
62.    1991: Bob O. Evans     For compatible computers.
63.    1991: Robert W. Floyd  -   For early compilers.
64.    1991: Thomas E. Kurtz   -  For BASIC.
65.    1990: Werner Buchholz  -   For computer architecture.
66.    1990: C.A.R. Hoare  -   For programming languages definitions.
67.    1989: John Cocke  -   For instruction pipelining and RISC concepts.
68.    1989: James A. Weidenhammer  -   For high speed I/O mechanisms.
69.    1989: Ralph L. Palmer   -  For the IBM 604 electronic calculator.
70.    1989: Mina S. Rees   -  For the ONR Computer R&D development beginning in 1946.
71.    1989: Marshall C. Yovits   -  For the ONR Computer R&D development beginning in 1946.
72.    1989: F. Joachim Weyl   -  For the ONR Computer R&D development beginning in 1946.
73.    1989: Gordon D. Goldstein  -   For his work with the Office of Naval Research and computer R&R beginning in 1946.
74.    1988: Freidrich L. Bauer  -   For computer stacks.
75.    1988: Marcian E. Hoff, Jr.  -   For microprocessor on a chip.
76.    1987: Robert R. Everett   -  For Whirlwind.
77.    1987: Reynold B. Johnson  -   For RAMAC.
78.    1987: Arthur L. Samuel   -  For Adaptive non-numeric processing.
79.    1987: Nicklaus E. Wirth  -    For PASCAL.
80.    1986: Cuthbert C. Hurd   -          For contributions to early computing.
81.    1986: Peter Naur    -   For computer language development.
82.    1986: James H. Pomerene   -  For IAS and Harvest computers.
83.    1986: Adriann van Wijngaarden  -   For ALGOL 68.
84.    1985: John G. Kemeny   -  For BASIC.
85.    1985: John McCarthy   -  For LISP and artificial intelligence.
86.    1985: Alan Perlis   -  For computer language translation.
87.    1985: Ivan Sutherland  -   For the graphics SKETCHPAD.
88.    1985: David J. Wheeler  -   For assembly language programming.
89.    1985: Heinz Zemanek   -  For computer and computer languages MAILUEFTERL.
90.    1984: John Vincent Atanasoff  -   For the first electronic computer with serial memory.
91.    1984: Jerrier A. Haddad  -   For his part in the lead IBM 701 design team.
92.    1984: Nicholas C. Metropolis  -   For the first solved atomic energy problems on ENIAC.
93.    1984: Nathaniel Rochester  -   For the architecture of IBM 702 electronic data processing machines.
94.    1984: Willem L. van der Poel  -   For the serial computer ZEBRA.
95.    1982: Harry D. Huskey   -  For the first parallel computer SWAC.
96.    1982: Arthur Burks  -   For his early work in electronic computer logic design.
97.    1981: Jeffrey Chuan Chu   -  For his early work in electronic computer logic design

Charter Recipients for the Computer Pioneer Award

On the occasion of the initiation of the Computer Pioneer Award, the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society has named, as charter recipients of this award, the following individuals who meet the Computer Pioneer Award criteria, and who also have received previous computer awards sponsored by the Society.

1.    Howard H. Aiken      "Large-Scale Automatic Computation"
2.    Samuel N. Alexander     "SEAC"
3.    Gene M. Amdahl      "Large-Scale Computer Architecture"
4.    John W. Backus      "FORTRAN"
5.    Robert S. Barton     "Language-Directed Architecture"
6.    C. Gordon Bell      "Computer Design"
7.    Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.     "Compatible Computer Family System/360"
8.    Wesley A. Clark       "First Personal Computer"
9.    Fernando J. Corbato      "Timesharing"
10.    Seymour R. Cray      "Scientific Computer Systems"
11.    Edsgar W. Dijkstra       "Multiprogramming Control"
12.    J. Presper Eckert       "First All-Electronic Computer - ENIAC"
13.    Jay W. Forrester      "First Large-Scale Coincident Current Memory"
14.    Herman H. Goldstine       "Contributions to Early Computer Design"
15.    Richard W. Hamming      "Error-Correcting Code"
16.    Jean A. Hoerni       "Planar Semiconductor Manufacturing Process"
17.    Grace M. Hopper      "Automatic Programming"
18.    Alston S. Householder     "Numerical Methods"
19.    David A. Huffman     Sequential Circuit Design"
20.    Kenneth E. Iverson       "APL"
21.    Tom Kilburn       "Paging Computer Design"
22.    Donald E. Knuth       "Science of Computer Algorithms"
23.    Herman Lukoff       "Early Electronic Computer Circuits"
24.    John W. Mauchly       "First All-Electronic Computer - ENIAC"
25.    Gordon E. Moore      "Integrated Circuit Production Technology"
26.    Allen Newell       "Contributions to Artificial Intelligence"
27.    Robert N. Noyce       "Integrated Circuit Production Technology"
28.    Lawrence G. Roberts      "Packet Switching"
29.    George R. Stibitz       "First Remote Computation"
30.    Shmuel Winograd       "Efficiency of Computational Algorithms"
31.    Maurice V. Wilkes       "Microprogramming"
32.    Konrad Zuse      "First Process Control Computer"

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