Friday, November 22, 2013

Prof. univ. dr. Ion Roceanu

Dr. Ion Roceanu - Director Romanian ADL Partnership Lab (UNAP), President of the eLearning and Software for Education International Scientific Conference (eLSE), Founding editor of Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology (JADLET).
  • Dr. Ion Roceanu has served as the Director of the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Department of the “Carol l” National Defence University since its founding in 2005, and assumed responsibilities for the Romania ADL Partnership Lab in 2009.
  • He is responsible for developing ADL capabilities for the university and the Ministry of National Defence of Romania in close cooperation with national and international partners. As Director of the Romania ADL Partnership Lab he works to further the goals of the ADL Initiative through partnership activities and projects that advance SCORM, CORDRA™, and related learning technologies.
  • Dr. Roceanu is a member of the NATO and PfP Consortium Advanced Distributed Learning working group, and is the President of the eLearning and Software for Education International Scientific Conference (eLSE). Dr. Roceanu has been involved in Romania’s advanced distributed learning projects since 2004. Since 2012 he is Deputy Commandant (vicerector of science) of “Carol I” National Defence Univeristy.
1. eLSE - The eLearning and Software for Education Conference
The 10th eLearning and Software for Education Conference, eLSE 2014 - "Let's build the future through learning innovation" organized by the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association will be held in Bucharest, April 24th - 25th, 2014. The conference is particularly focused, but not limited, on the following panels: Innovative learning: technology-enhanced approaches and strategies; Technological innovations in e-learning; Management, quality assurance and assessment of e-learning systems; Best Practices supporting education and training; Ubiquitous & Immersive learning; Games based learning; Cultural dimensions of e-learning. The conference aims to promote original articles of basic research outcomes, experimental development, case studies and best practices, critical analysis and discussions, statistics, assessments and forecasts on Technology Enhanced Learning.
2. JADLET - Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology Founding editors (Dr. Kristy MURRAY, Director ADL Initiative, USA, Dr. Ion ROCEANU, Director Romanian ADL Partnetship Lab, Romania); "JADLET was created as a professional journal for the purpose of sharing knowledge and scientific research findings about technology-enhanced learning. JADLET will provide insights into the current state-of-the-art in education and training through the use of echnology and help to foster collaboration within the global ADL community.", Dr. Kristy S. Murray, Director, Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, USA)
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(In Romanian)
Domnul Profesor Ion Roceanu a avut ideea conceperii si elaborarii proiectului transdisciplinar “Multi-touch” ("Proces educational optimizat in viziunea competentelor societatii cunoasterii"), impreuna cu Prof. Radu Jugureanu de la SIVECO Romania (Proiectul "multi-touch" este medaliat la IPMA International Project Excellence Award 2013,  IPMA - International Project Management Association, Gold Award: the 27th IPMA World Congress 2013 - Proiectul "multi-touch": ).
Utilizarea tehnologiei multi-touch in e-Learning si training, in perfectionarea initiala si cea continua, ofera un cadru adecvat pentru implementarea diverselor metode didactice si pedagogice, a diverselor experiente din educatie si cercetare prin invatarea pe baza de proiect, prin activitati colaborative, prin schimbarea paradigmelor in sistemul educational. Prin proiectele transdisciplinare de tip multi-touch se imbunateste colaborarea intre profesor si elevi. Proiectul a fost finantat prin FSE POSDRU 2007-2013 si implementat de catre Ministerul Educatiei Nationale, prin Unitatea de Management al Proiectelor cu Finantare Externa, in parteneriat cu SIVECO Romania si Universitatea Nationala de Aparare "Carol I". Acesta a fost declarat castigator in cadrul competitiei Project of the Year 2013 (PMI Chapter Romania). “Proiectul a implementat un proces didactic inovator, unic in Romania, care utilizeaza invatarea bazata pe proiect in context transdisciplinar cu sprijinul dispozitivelor multi-touch. In loc de tastatura si mouse sau de manipularea ecranului cu un singur deget (ca in cazul echipamentelor touchscreen), sistemele multi-touch sunt capabile de o interactiune mult mai naturala. Continutul educational specific tehnologiei multi-touch poate fi astfel controlat cu toata palma, cu mai multe degete, de catre unul sau mai multi utilizatori in aceasi timp. Scopul acestei solutii este de a imbunatati colaborarea intre elevi si profesori, de a angaja elevii in activitati de grup, de a-i motiva sa experimenteze, facand trecerea de la invatarea bazata pe memorare la cea bazata pe descoperire si construire a cunoasterii.” (Sursa:
Participarea la deschiderea CNIV 2013 (25 oct. 2013), Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei:

(In prima poza, de la stanga la dreapta: M. Vlada-UB, I. Roceanu-UNAP, O. Istrate-UB, M. Iordache-Platis-UB, L. Ciolan-UB, Al. Craciunoiu-Siveco, A. Cioroianu-Intel)

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