Sunday, January 27, 2013

How learning design?

In Romanian: Dacă un manual/curs clasic este elaborat de un autor sau mai mulţi autori de specialitate, în schimb un produs software destinat educaţiei nu poate fi elaborat decât prin colaborarea unor autori: profesori de specialitate, specialişti IT, psihologi, pedagogi, chiar elevi şi studenţi. Astfel, lecţiile şi cursurile vor fi atractive şi utile în scopul obţinerii competenţelor avute în vedere prin programele de studii.
Un manual (sau curs universitar) clasic in format tiparit (print), chiar in format pdf, contine reprezentari statice ale unor descrieri de teme si subiecte, explicatii si texte, teoreme si demonstratii, scheme si tabele, grafice si diagrame etc. Utilizarea noilor tehnologii impreuna cu folosirea metodelor moderne pedagogice si psihologice, sustinute de instrumente software oferite de calculator, da posibilitatea cadrelor didactice sa conceapa si sa proiecteze manuale/cursuri universitare digitale intr-o noua abordate, atat stiintifica, cat si  pedagogica.

How has the world of the child changed in the last 150 years? It’s hard to imagine any way in which it hasn’t changed. They’re immersed in all kinds of stuff that was unheard of 150 years ago. And yet, if you look at schools today ... they are more similar than dissimilar.” Peter Senge, Director, Center for Organizational Learning, MIT
Current formal education still prepares students primarily for the world of the past, rather than for possible worlds of the future.” Howard Gardner, Five Minds for the Future

I  Innovative, simple, useful and effective

Les animations du Kangourou:
Source:,  © 2009 ACL - Les Éditions du Kangourou,
NOTE: Thales of Miletus - Father of Science

II Project Based Learning (PBL)

for the 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking) -

In Project Based Learning, students are pulled through the curriculum by a meaningful question to explore, an engaging real-world problem to solve, or a challenge to design or create something. Before they can accomplish this, students need to inquire into the topic by asking questions and developing their own answers. To demonstrate what they learn, students create high-quality products and present their work to other people. Students often do project work collaboratively in small teams, guided by the teacher.

- We think there is a place for PBL in every school, in every grade, and it should be part of the mix of opportunities to learn given to every student.
- Projects can increase student motivation to read, write, and learn mathematics because they are engaged by the topic.
- Well-designed and well-implemented PBL can improve students’ retention of knowledge over time.
Example Projects:

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