Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Political Science vs. Political Education

"Indeed, the notion that political science is an academic profession charged in a special way with the education of citizens and public servants is a progressive ideal." James R. Stoner, Louisiana State University - http://www.winst.org/people/fellows/stoner.php
"First, political science as a discipline lives on the fault line between the two cultures in the academy, the sciences and the humanities; although one might allege the same for social science as a whole, political scientists receive funding from and play an active role in both the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. After some evidence of rapprochement between science and the humanities in the 1980s, hardly anyone doubts that the sciences today are in the ascendancy. I have never heard it claimed that progress in political science bears any responsibility for the return of scientific prestige the rapid pace of technological innovation, the mapping of the human genome with its promise of medical advances, the emergence of neuroscience and evolutionary biology, and even the return of free-market economics are more likely candidates but scientific methodology in political science probably benefits by affinity. The perestroika movement in political science is in part a response to this situation, I think, but maybe also a way of saving face." Ref.: Stoner, J. R. (22 February 2008). "Political Science and Political Education", APSA Teaching and Learning Conference (APSA), San José, California. - http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p245585_index.html - http://www.allacademic.com/meta/


1. Decembrie 1989 (Revolutia romana) - Examen la ORGANIZARE SOCIALA
Ref.: - Denisa Oana Patrascu, Evolutia domeniului social in Romania, Academia Romana, http://denisapatrascu.wordpress.com/
- Gheorghe Teodorescu, Universitatea din Bucuresti, http://filozofie.3x.ro/ (pdf)

2. Decembrie 2009 (Alegeri prezidentiale) - Examen la DEMOCRATIE
Concluzii: in practica, in Romania este o pseudo-politica, o "mascarada" la vedere: nu se respecta reguli, proceduri, legi, nu se respecta nici bunul-simt. Ref.: http://mvlada.blogspot.ro/2009/

3. 29 Iulie 2012 (suspendarea si demiterea presedintelui) - Examen la POLITICA
Concluzii: in practica, in Romania se iau pseudo-decizii la vedere sau nu: principiile democratice sunt ignorate, nu se respecta votul unei majoritati evidente, iar legea este fraudata. Cine este de vina? Ce sanctiuni trebuie luate?

Concluzie probabila: Politica este ca vinul sau ca o prajitura - iti place sau nu. Grav este ca unii ii judeca pe altii comparandu-i dupa astfel de placeri.

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