Sunday, October 23, 2011

Alexandru Ţugui: Calm Technologies

Alexandru Tugui is a professor of Economics and Business Administration at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iaşi, Romania.

"Over the last 50 years, technological development has been significantly influenced by computers and associated technologies. The massive investments made in information technology and communication development have benefitted all the world’s economies, and especially the interconnected ones. All business areas have therefore adopted computers as an indispensable tool, and all economic and social processes have come to rely on computers for support and intermediation.
The education field has been, and will continue to be, receptive to the evolutions of information- and communications-related technologies. Educators will use them on a wide scale in projects such as e-books, e-learning, university networks, and digital libraries. Technological miniaturization and steady improvements in performance have resulted in the abandonment of classical technologies (white chalk, blackboard, paper, pencil, etc.) and their extensive replacement by PC tablet, video projectors, intelligent boards, e-pen, and other new applications.

It is most important to emphasize that in coming years the technological context of human society’s evolution will be framed by the following trends:
1. Mobility.
2. Wireless networks.
3. Interoperability.
4. Digitization.
5. Multimedia.
6. Information integration.
7. Standardization.
8. Real-time work.
9. Artificial intelligence.
10. Communication 3G+, 4G.

Virtual Worlds
Virtual worlds are online environments where multiple users can interact with one another or with the environment. Some are “immersive 3–D environments” and give users a great deal of freedom in terms of where they go and who they can interact with. Users participate in the world by controlling an avatar, or online persona. An avatar allows a user to choose how much of their real self they wish to portray in the virtual world, potentially allowing them to take onan entirely new identity.
We are convinced that everyday life in cyberspace will involve technology that becomes constantly invisible and increasingly omnipresent. Our insights in the previous paragraphs lead us to conclude that human society will continue to evolve with the support of information and communication technologies. We also anticipate that education using calm technologies can provide solutions to the problems posed by super-technologization and the risk of deculturation. Such technology will remove barriers of language, time, and space between teachers and learners, and help to reduce today’s huge costs for technical education, as well as facilitate the handling of large amounts of knowledge with efficient storage devices and the rapid access to visual and audio resources that offer well-documented, practical experience to students.

Alexandru Tugui, Calm Technologies: A New Trend for Educational Technologies, World Future Review Spring 2011, 64-72,

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