Thursday, August 11, 2011

Professor Peter J. Denning

Peter J. Denning is best known for pioneering work in virtual memory. He was a pioneer in the development of principles for operating systems and contributed the memory management methods used in all operating systems. Known for Virtual Memory, Working Set, Principle of locality.
• He made substantial contributions to performance evaluation when that industry was getting launched. Denning has been a major influence in computing education.
• In 1999, he expanded the search for fundamental principles to cover all of computing. The discovery of natural information processes in biology, physics, economics, materials, and other fields convinced him that the basic definitions of computation had to be modified to encompass natural information processes as well as artificial.
• In 2007 ACM gave him a special award for 40 years of continuous volunteer service and the NSF gave him one of two national Distinguished Education Fellow awards.

Learning from failures?
"The key idea is not failure, but learning. The process of embracing uncertainty and adventuring in the mysteries of the world is a learning process. We cannot learn if we do not try. When something we try fails, we seek to understand what made it fail and modify our future behavior when we try again. I don't see learning from failures to be a prediction method, but a practice for blending with the unfolding world.", Peter_J._Denning, An Interview with Peter Denning the end of the future by Brian Branagan, Ubiquity ACM, may 2011

Note: Ubiquity is publication of ACM, Peter J. Denning - Editor-in-Chief; Ubiquity is ACM's peer-reviewed Web-based magazine devoted to the future of computing and the people who are creating it.


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