Sunday, July 17, 2011

Professor Sorin Istrail

Sorin Istrail is the Julie Nguyen Brown Professor of Computational and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Computer Science, and Director of the Center for Computational Molecular Biology at Brown University.
He was previously senior director and then head of the Informatics Research Group of Celera Genomics. Prior to Celera, he founded the Computational Biology Project at Sandia National Laboratories (1992-2000). In 1998, his work on Protein Misfolding simulations was included by Scientific American in its "Best of 1998" list.In 2001, his work at Sandia on the computational intractability of the three-dimensional Ising model was ranked as the top 7th achievement in Advanced Scientific Computing in the Top 100 U.S. Department of Energy Most Important Discoveries in DOE's first 25 years.

- 1979 Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Thesis: Context Sensitive Languages with Applications to Semantics of Programs and Number Theory;
Advisors: Professors Solomon Marcus and Sergiu Rudeanu -

(in image: Gheorghe Ştefănescu, Virgil Căzănescu, Dragoş Vaida, Solomon Marcus, Sorin Istrail, Sergiu Rudeanu – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)

Research Topics or Projects
Genomic Regulatory Networks and the Regulatory Genome
Computational Models of SNPs and Haplotypes
Medical Bioinformatics and Beyond
Algorithmic Theory of Protein Folding
Programming Language for Genomics
Von Neumann Research Program in Biological Complex Systems
Statistical Mechanics and Computational Complexity

The Sequence of the Human Genome, Science, vol 291, pp.1145-1434, 2001
Note: "The human genome project began in 1990 and is supposed to be finished in 2005."


John von Neumann Page

Brown University - Summer 2008 Guest Lectures:
Solomon Marcus, Professor Emeritus, University of Bucharest

Nota (in romanian): "Prof. dr Sorin Istrail se numără între şefii grupelor de cercetători care au lucrat la întoc­mi­rea hărţii genomului uman."
CRISTINEL C. POPA, Românul care a contribuit la descoperirea mileniului,

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