Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dr. Gheorghe Păun

Update: 04.11.2014 - Dr. Gheorghe Păun, Membru al Academiei Române, Secţia Ştiinţa şi Tehnologia Informaţiei (2012)
- 24 oct. 2014, Discurs de recepţie susţinut de Acad. Gheorghe Păun
cu titlul "Căutând calculatoare în celula biologică - După 20 de ani"

"Modelele cu care lucrăm sunt de natură matematică, punctul de vedere platonician ne asigură că totul este descoperire, pentru că matematica însăşi este realitate revelată. Da, dar s-a convenit că noţiunile, conceptele, teoriile şi modelele sunt inventate, teoremele descoperite, demonstraţiile inventate. Pentru a continua alternanţa, putem adăuga că aplicaţiile sunt descoperite. Modelele sunt, deci, considerate invenţii. Modelele se aşază pe structuri care există, dar nu au primit încă nume. Un model de calcul nu poate fi „văzut” într-o celulă decât de un informatician care are deja în minte modele de calcul.
De pildă, procesele numite de biologi simport şi antiport există, funcţionează dintotdeauna în modul lor ingenios, dar ele nucalculează decât pentru matematicianul care caută un model de calcul bazat pe trecerea de „obiecte” dintr-un compartiment al celulei în altul. „Calcul prin comunicare”, am căutat o vreme aşa ceva, intuind că există, şi am avut rezolvarea atunci când un biolog (Ioan Ardelean) mi-a vorbit despre operaţiile de simport şi antiport. Un model mai degrabă descoperit decât inventat. Dar, o descoperire care nu s-a făcut prin scoaterea la lumină a obiectului descoperit, ci prin suprapunerea pe o felie de realitate a unui model intuit, similar unor modele existente deja şi actualizat în dialogul dintre limbajul formal şi realitate. Invenţie şi descoperire în acelaşi timp", Discurs de recepţie susţinut de Acad. Gheorghe Păun.
Sursa imagine: Academia Româna, (Acad. Solomon Marcus și Acad. Gheorghe Păun)

Viaţa este calcul. Fiecare celulă în parte citeşte informaţie dintr-o memorie, o rescrie, primeşte date de intrare (informaţie asupra mediului), procesează date şi acţionează conform rezultatelor tuturor acestor calcule. Pe total, milioanele de celule care populează biosfera efectuează cu siguranţ mai mulţi paşi de calcul pe unitatea de timp decât toate calculatoarele oamenilor puse la un loc.” M. Gross, cap. 2 („Molecular Computation”) din volumului colectiv Non-Standard Computation (T. Gramss, S. Bornholdt, M. Gross, M. Mitchel, Th. Pellizzari, eds., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim), 1998.

- Dumnezeu, spune Galilei, a scris doua cărți: Biblia și Cartea naturii. Biblia a fost scrisă în limbaj omenesc. Cartea naturii a fost scrisă în limbajul matematicii. De aceea, limbajul Bibliei este nepotrivit pentru a vorbi despre natură. Cele două trebuie studiate independent una de alta.
- "Dumnezeu inițiază știința și o urmărește cu interes, dar nu intervine. Este de fapt relația dintre știință și Biblie de-a lungul mileniilor. Biblia inițiază efortul științific și așează în mintea noastră conceptul unui Dumnezeu care privește „să vadă” la ce concluzii ajungem, dar nu ne impune un canon intelectual. Fiecare descoperire științifică este corolarul unei lărgiri a orizontului biblic. Eratostene a calculat dimensiunea Pământului și distanța până la Soare în timp ce supraveghea traducerea Bibliei în limba greacă la biblioteca din Alexandria. Pavel și Ioan au introdus conceptul Logosului întrupat și a răscumpărării materiei, îndemnând filozofia greacă să se întoarcă de la studiul ideilor la înțelegerea naturii. Vor trece însă 1500 de ani până când Reformațiunea va elibera teologia de greci. Kepler și Galilei au fost pentru știință ceea ce Luther a fost pentru teologie. Newton a fost un reprezentant al trezirii profetice care a însoțit spiritual secolul rațiunii. Relativitatea și fizica cuantică au însoțit redescoperirea Bibliei ebraice ca o alternativă de gândire holistică și nelineară la dualismul grec și logica lui Aristotel".
Ref.: Edmond Constantinescu, Dumnezeu nu joacă zaruri, Editura Majesty Press, Arad, 2008

- Dr. Gheorghe Păun is Senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy / member of RGNC (Spain)

- Corresponding Member of The Romanian Academy (1997)
- Member of Academia Europaea (2006)
- Included, by Thomson-Reuters Institute for Scientific Information, ISI, in the ISI Highly Cited Scientists:
- "Gheorghe Lazar" award of the Romanian Academy, 1981.
- Honorary member and Doctor Honoris Causa of the International Academy of Informatization, Chisinev branch, 1998.

In Honour of Gheorghe Paun's 60th Birthday
- Ninth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing - BWMC11 (31st jan-4th feb 2011)
- University of Sevilla, Spain, Research Group on Natural Computing
Ref. :

Main Research Interests:
"Gheorghe Păun had a powerful influence on the development of theoretical computer science, especially the area of natural computing. He is the inventor of the new rapidly developing area of biocomputing - computing using membrane systems, or P systems. Due to the results and ideas of Gheorghe Păun in biocomputing the team of scientists working successfully in this direction was formed in the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science."
Source: A tribute in honour of his 60th birthday, Computer Science Journal of Moldova, vol.18, no.2(53), 2010(pdf)

Course materials:
- Gh. Paun. Membrane computing: power, efficiency, applications. Slides. [pdf]
- Gh. Paun. Introduction to membrane computing. [pdf]
- Gh. Paun. Spiking neural P systems: a tutorial. [pdf]


Mathematical Books:
- Membrane Computing. An Introduction, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002


"Sunt fenomene care nu pot fi modelate „la scară”, precum avioanele în tunelul aerodinamic – e cazul proceselor sociale, biologice, cosmice. E nevoie atunci de modele matematice. Ieftine, puternice, relevante, repetabile – cu menţiunea că de multe ori modelele sunt atât de complexe că nu pot fi studiate teoretic. Fie matematica de azi nu e pregătită pentru a le studia, fie pur şi simplu acest lucru este principial imposibil (matematica are limite pe care ea însăşi şi le-a definit şi identificat – vezi teoremele lui Godel, limitele calculabilităţii / algoritmicităţii, etc.). Şi atunci apare calculatorul, simularea. Se pune modelul într-un program şi se experimentează în lumea digitală, reglând parametri şi legături între ei şi observând pe ecran evoluţia procesului respectiv. Simplu în principiu, adesea extrem de util-relevant-eficient, cerând însă modele inspirate, programe bune şi calculatoare puternice."
Maria-Diana POPESCU, Interviu cu academician Gheorghe PĂUN, membru al Academiei Europene, "Viaţa eternă? - Existenţe virtuale în memoria unui calculator cosmic"

- In in Honour of Gheorghe Paun, Carlos Martín-Vide, Victor Mitrana (Eds.): Grammars and Automata for String Processing: From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology 2003


Natural Computing

1. artificial neural networks (McCulloch and Pitts 1943)
2. genetic algorithms (Holland 1975), the Splicing model (Head 1987), Molecular Computing (Adleman 1994)
3. P systems (Paun 1998)

"At the present time, Natural Computing consists of three branches. The first is based on observations of the brains operation and has as a theoretical model, artificial neural networks (McCulloch and Pitts 1943). The second branch is based on the properties of DNA and it has as precedents genetic algorithms created by (Holland 1975), the Splicing model (Head 1987), and Molecular Computing (Adleman 1994). The third branch of Natural Computing is based on the operation of the cells and has P systems (Paun 1998) as a theoretical model. Genetic algorithms and neural networks have been implemented on conventional electronic computers. DNA-based molecular computing has been implemented in the laboratory. P systems have yet to be implemented electronically or biologically."

Theory and Construction of Molecular Computers (Japan, 1996-2001)

Molecular Computation Project (MCP) is an attempt to harness the computational power of molecules for information processing.
"Information processing on the molecular scale has been sought in several ways other than Adleman's, but the DNA computation is inherently different from other previous approaches: it aims the construction of a general-purpose computer based on the theory of universal computation. This goal seems to be hinted by the nature of DNA molecules, that is, an arbitrary concatenation of four natural bases forms one DNA sequence."
- Publication list of MCP


From Turing machines to molecular computers

- Maya Kahan, Binyamin Gil, Rivka Adar, Ehud Shapiro, Towards molecular computers that operate in a biological environment, 2008 (pdf)

Note: Prof. Shapiro (Weizmann Institute of Science) was involved with the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Project during the '80s and published numerous scientific papers in the area of concurrent logic programming languages. In the early '90s, Shapiro's innovative research in programming languages led to the establishment of Ubique, a company that develops interactive online environments. Shapiro's design of a universal molecular computer, which inspired the creation of the molecular automaton, was awarded a U.S. patent.

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Prof. Dr. Ion Văduva

Update 10 dec. 2015: Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Craiova, Prof. Dr. Ion VADUVA

Update 26 sept. 2014: History of Computer Science in Romania by Prof. Ion Văduva
Computing Center of the University of Bucharest, an Important Step in the History of Computer Science in Romania
This article presents a history of Computing Center of the University of Bucharest (CCUB) and its role in the founding of informatics in Romania.
Doctor Honoris Causa ION VADUVA - Laudatio si Raspuns la Laudatio, Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Stiinte - Departamentul de Informatica, 17 noiembrie 2015.

Ph.D. Professor Ion Văduva - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Romania

Update: 16 iulie 2014, la Aniversarea Universitatii din Bucuresti - 150 de ani;  prof. dr. Ion Vaduva in fata portretelor rectorilor UB (Gheorghe Mihoc, George Ciucu - matematicieni, rectori ai UB);

Teaching Experience
- Multivariate statistical analysis
- Computer simulation and Monte-Carlo methods
- Information management systems
- Stochastic models of operations research
- Background of computer science
- Computer simulation languages
- Software reliability
- Computerised stochastic models
- Fuzzy modeling of systems
Research interests
- Computer simulation of random variables, random vectors and stochastic proceses
- Monte-Carlo techniques Mathematical Statistics
- Data analysis
- Statistical quality control
- Reliability (including software reliability)
- Discrete systems analysis
- Simulation of systems reliability

Domnul Profesor Ion Văduva are contributii importante in dezvoltarea informaticii din Romania, fiind un militant activ in promovarea implementarii diverselor proiecte si programe privind informatica. A promovat studierea diverselor discipline ale informaticii ce erau importante pe plan international. In domeniul cercetarii a elaborat si coordonat foarte multe contracte de informatica aplicata. Este respectat si iubit de studentii informaticieni de la Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica din Bucuresti. Pentru doctoranzii pe care ii coordona si pentru colaboratorii de la seminariile stiintifice, era o bucurie sa constate ca primeau ajutorul concret in cercetarea pe care o desfasurau.

Personal, îi sunt recunoscator domnului Profesor pentru urmatoarele:
-ca student si apoi ca cercetator la CCUB (Centrul de Calcul al Universitatii Bucuresti) m-a sprijinit si incurajat mereu, a avut incredere in mine
- in anul 1984 mi-a recomandat ca domeniu de cercetare si de doctorat, Inteligenta Artificiala (1981-1990 in Japonia era in desfasurare proiectul japonez privind generatia a V-a de calculatoare: sisteme inteligente)
- in anul 2003, m-a sprijinit si mi-a acordat incredere pentru initierea si organizarea primei editii a CNIV (Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual): VIRTUAL LEARNING - SOFTWARE EDUCATIONAL.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prof. dr. Adrian Atanasiu

Adrian Atanasiu is Ph.D. Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, University of Bucharest (Romania)

Am avut placerea sa cunosc calitatile pedagogice si de cercetator ale Profesorului Adrian Atanasiu: corectitudine, rigurozitate, perseverenta in cercetare, rezolvitor neobosit de probleme, argumente si demonstratii pentru aplicatii.
In poza alaturata prof. Atanasiu se afla in primul rand, cel mai din dreapta: intalnirea promotiei de informatica, 2003 -; vorbeste acad. prof. Solomon Marcus; la prezidiu sunt profesorii: C. Popovici, H. Georgescu, I. Cuculescu, I. Tomescu; dreapta, in primele randuri: profesorii Dragos Vaida, Virgil Cazanescu, Liliana Popescu, Constantin Nita.

Courses (pdf):
Criptografie, Coduri, Lingvistica, Fundamentele Informaticii

Articles :-Injectivity of the Parikh matrix mapping
-Codifiable languages and the Parikh matrix mapping
-P-Systems and Arithmetical calculus
-Arithmetic with membranes
-Recursive Calculus with membranes
-P-Systems and Context-Free languages
-Local splicing grammar systems
-Distributed Encryption Systems
-On the Error-Tolerant Closure of Languages

"Definitia 1.1 Criptografia este studiul metodelor matematice legate de securitatea informatiei, capabile sa asigure confidentialitatea, autentificarea si non-repudierea mesajelor,precum si integritatea datelor vehiculate ([1])."

[1] A. Menezes, P. Oorschot, S. Vanstome, Handbook of Applied Cryptography
[4] G. J. Woeginger,
[5] S. Cook,

Source: A. Atanasiu, (curs 1)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Informatics, Computer Science, IT


1. Matematica
2. Fizica
3. Chimia
4. Informatica

Update: 6 martie - Noul regulament de funcţionare a CNATDCU
- (pdf)

NEW: Informatica este arondata la :

panel: P1. Matematica si stiinte ale naturii

Ref. : Ordinul 3759 din 9 februarie 2011 (Ordinul 3759/2011) privind aprobarea Regulamentului de organizare si functionare a Consiliului National de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare (CNATDCU)

-COMPONENTA NOMINALA a panelurilor pe domenii fundamentale ale Consiliului National deAtestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare

P1. Matematica si stiinte ale naturii

Domeniile Stiintei si Tehnologiei
1. Stiinte naturale si exacte
2. Stiinte ingineresti si tehnologice
3. Stiinte medicale
4. Stinte agricole
5. Stiinte sociale si economice
6. Stiinte umaniste

- Manualul Frascati: LINK (pdf) | OECD, 2002.
- ISSE ( anuarul statistic al Romaniei (cap 13) - (pdf)

Lista domeniilor pentru studii universitare de licenţă

- Nomenclatorul domeniilor de studii universitare de licenţă: Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 676/28.06.2007 | Anexa nr. 1: LINK

Informatica - Computer Science (USA); Europa: Informatique (Fr), Informatics (Eng), Informatik (Danish, German, Swedish), Informatica (Naderland, Italian);

Informatics: (computing) a branch of information science, and of computer science, that focuses on the study of information.

OBS.: Cadrul Naţional al Calificărilor din Învăţământul Superior (CNCIS)
-, Registrul National al calificarilor din invatamantul superior (National Higher Education Qualifications Registry)

OBSERVATIE: The ACM Computing Classification System (1998)- Valid through 2011
OBSERVATIE: Classification Schemes of Information Science (by Chaim Zins, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGy — March 2007) - This unique collection of 28 classification schemes portrays and documents the profile of contemporary Information Science at the beginning of the 21st century.
- (pdf)


1. Informatics
Informatics can be synonymous with:
1. Informatics (academic field), a broad academic field encompassing human-computer interaction, information science, information technology, algorithms, and social science
- Computer science, the study of complex systems, information and computation using applied mathematics, electrical engineering and software engineering techniques.
- Information science, the study of the processing, management, and retrieval of information
2. Information technology, the study, design, development, implementation, support, or management of computer-based information systems
3. Informatics (software company), a software company

Note 1:
What is Informatics? (Source: University of Michigan,
"Think Facebook, automobile navigation systems, clinical trials, online marketing, internet searches, medical imaging, risk assessment, disaster preparedness and response, financial market analysis, DNA analysis, artificial intelligence, internet security, online community organizing, smartphone applications, digital archives, medical records storage and retrieval, political polling, supply chain management, real-time weather maps, etc. The applications are endless.
Informatics combines solid grounding in computer programming, mathematics, and statistics, combined with study of the ethical and social science aspects of complex information systems. Informatics majors learn to critically analyze various approaches to processing information and develop skills to design, implement, and evaluate the next generation of information technology tools.
Informatics graduates are well prepared for many roles in business, research, government, and non-profit organizations. Depending on the track of study completed, graduates are also equipped with the academic background necessary for graduate study in many fields including computer science, business, education, information, statistics, law, medicine, public health, and natural and social sciences

Note 2: Attracting (more) students to the Informatics discipline (ppt)
Informatics was:
-about computing, data processing and process control
- centered once around mainframes and mini’s
Now is:
- about designing and creating processes and systems and their interactions with the world
- centered around networks, embedded systems and intelligent (information/software) environments
- critical in everything (science, business, society)
- used by everyone, everywhere
- business domain of many information and software companies (large and small)
- major factor in economy, innovation and of ICT policies
- challenging future ethics, privacy, security
- major intellectual discipline of this century (cf Constable 2005) and.. a household word!

2. Computer Science (CS)
Computer science or computing science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. Computer science, the study of complex systems, information and computation using applied mathematics, electrical engineering and software engineering techniques.
Areas of computer science:
- Theoretical computer science /Theory of computation
- Algorithms and data structures
- Computer elements and architecture
- Multiprocessing
- Computational science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Systems


3. Information Technology (IT)
Information Technology defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information. IT spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs.


OBS.: The ACM Computing Classification System (1998)- Valid through 2011

OBS.: Classification Schemes of Information Science (by Chaim Zins, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGy — March 2007) - This unique collection of 28 classification schemes portrays and documents the profile of contemporary Information Science at the beginning of the 21st century.
- (pdf)
- (pdf)
Information science is an interdisciplinary field concerned
with the theoretical and practical concepts, as well as
the technologies, laws, and industry dealing with knowledge
transfer and the sources, generation, organization, representation,
processing, distribution, communication, and uses of
information, as well as communications among users and their
behavior as they seek to satisfy their information needs.

Information science is the study of how information
is used, acquired, organized, and evaluated by humans.
Defined this way, it is essentially synonymous with “informatics”
as it used in the context of health/biomedical
informatics in the United States. A key point is that it focuses
on information as opposed to technology.

"Information science is an interdisciplinary field encompassing
all aspects of data from data generation via measurement
and observation, through data capture, analysis, representation,
organization, evaluation, storage, transformation, presentation,
protection, and retention. Note that ‘Data’ can be
used as a collective noun in English. As such it can and
should be used to imply a set of symbols, and would be
preferable to using ‘information’ in such a narrow context

(Rush & Davis, 2006). (Charles H. Davis [12])"

(Source: Conceptions of Information Science by Chaim Zins, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 58(3):335–350, 2007)

Ziua Eminescu – Ziua Culturii Naţionale

TO THE STAR by Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889)

So far it is athwart the blue
To where yon star appears,
That for its light to reach our view
Has needed thousand years.

Eminescu Day - National Culture Day
15 ianuarie

Din anul 2011, 15 ianuarie - Ziua de nastere a lui Eminescu, declarata "Ziua Culturii Nationale" (iniţiativa Academiei Române)

- 15 ianuarie1850, întotdeauna Mihai Eminescu,

Eminescu .... la mare ...

- Doina si Ion Aldea Teodorovici - EMINESCU (video)

TO THE STAR by Mihai Eminescu

So far it is athwart the blue
To where yon star appears,
That for its light to reach our view
Has needed thousand years.

Maybe that ages gone it shed
Its glow, then languished in the skies,
Yet only now its rays have sped
Their journey to our eyes.

The icon of the star that died
Slowly the vault ascended;
Time was ere it could first be spied,
We see now what is ended.

So is it when our love’s aspire
Is hid beneath night’s bowl,
The gleam of its extinguished fire
Enkindles yet our soul.

Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu
Sursa: Gabriel Ditu, Australia,

LUCIFER / Luceafarul
by Mihai Eminescu

Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu

Once on a time, as poets sing
High tales with fancy laden,
Born of a very noble king
There lived a wondrous maiden.

An only child, her kinsfolk boon,
So fair, imagination faints;
As though amidst the stars the moon,
Or Mary amidst the saints

From 'neath the castle's dark retreat,
Her silent way she wended
Each evening to the window-seat
Where Lucifer attended.

And secretly, with never fail,
She watched his double race,
Where vessels drew their pathless trail
Across the ocean's face.

And as intent she drank his light,
Desire was quickly there;
While he who saw her every night
Soon fell in love with her.

And sitting thus with rested head,
Her elbows on the sill,
Her heart by youthful fancy led
Did with deep longing fill.

While he, a brilliant shining spark,
Glowed always yet more clear
Towards the castle tall and dark
Where she would soon appear


Until one night with shower of rays
He slips into her room,
As though a strange and silver haze
Did round about her loom.

And when at last the child to rest
Upon her sofa lies,
He lays her arms across her breast
And closes her soft eyes.

While where his ray on mirror lands
And is upon her couch red rifted,
It falls upon her throat and hands
And on her face uplifted.

A smile is on her lips it seems;
He in the mirror trembles,
For smooth his ray glides midst her dreams
And round her soul assembles.

And while she is in slumber gone
She murmurs through her sighs:
"Come down to me beloved one,
Fair prince of the clear skies.

Come down, good Lucifer and kind,
O lord of my aspire,
And flood my chamber and my mind
With your sweetest fire !"

And Lucifer beams still more bright
To hear her word's emotion;
Then like a comet in its flight
Dives down into the ocean.

And where his bolt is lost to view
The sea in whirlpool surges,
Till out of the unfathomed blue
A handsome youth emerges,

Who, leaping off the fretful wave,
Lightly through her casement passes;
And in his hand he holds a stave
Crowned with a wreath of grasses.

A prince indeed of royal stock,
With heavy hanging golden hair;
A purple winding-sheet his smock,
Hung round his shoulders bare.

A starry glow shines from his eyes,
His cheeks are deathly white;
A lifeless thing in living guise,
A youth born of the night.

"Down from the spheres do I come
Though dreadful the commotion,
My father is the vaulted dome,
My mother is the ocean.

For I have left my realm to keep
Obedience to your command;
Born of the zenith and the deep
Here I before you stand.

O come, fair child of royal birth,
Cast this your world aside,
For Lucifer has flown to earth
To claim you as his bride.

And you will live till time is done
In castles built of sky,
And all the fish will be your own,
And all the birds that fly".

"O, beautiful you are, good Sire,
As but an angel prince could be,
But to the course that you desire
I never shall agree

Strange, as your voice and vesture show,
I live while you are dead;
Your eyes gleam with an icy glow
Which fills my soul with dread."

One day went past, and went past-two,
Then o'er the castle dark,
Fair Lucifer again to view
Shone forth his lustrous spark.

And scarce his beam waved bright above,
Her dreams to him were borne,
Her heart again by aching love
And cruel longing torn.

"Come down, good Lucifer and kind,
O lord of my aspire,
And flood my chamber and my mind
With your sweetest fire !"

Now, as he heard her tender cry
With pain he faded out,
And lightning flew about the sky,
Which wheeled and rocked about;

Around the earth a lurid glow
Poured like a torrent race,
Till out of its chaotic flow
There grew a human face;

About the head dark wisps of hair
Girt with a crown of flame,
And through the sun-illumined air
Borne up by truth he came.

His arms of rounded marble sheen
Did 'neath a cloak of raven show,
And sad and thoughtful was his mien
And pallid was his brow.

Bright eyes he had that seemed to tell
Of strange chimerical bonds;
And deep they were as passion's spell,
And dark as moonlit ponds.

"Down from the spheres have I flown,
Though terrible my flight;
My father wears Apollo's crown,
My mother is the night.

O come, fair child of royal birth,
Cast this your world aside,
For Lucifer has flown to earth
To claim you as his bride.

A starry halo from the skies
About your hair will fall,
And you among the spheres will rise
The proudest of them all."

"O, beautiful you are, good Sire,
As but a demon prince could be,
But to the course of your desire
I never shall agree.

You wound me with your crude behest;
I dread what you extol;
Your heavy eyes, as though possessed,
Gleam down into my soul."

"But why should I descend to thee?
Far better what I give;
My days are all eternity,
While you but one hour live."

"I would not chosen phrases seek,
Nor carefully my words arrange,
But though with human mouth you speak,
Your speech to me is strange.

Yet if you wish to prove your worth,
That I betroth myself to you,
Well, then come down to me on earth
And be a mortal too."

You ask my endless, life above
To barter for a kiss.
Aye, I will show how my love,
How deep my longing is.

My birthright I will fling aside
To be reborn of sin, and I
Who to all rolling time am tied,
Will that great knot untie."

At which he turned and went away
Midst a cloud of sombre pearl,
To renounce his birthright from that day
For the love of a mortal girl.


About this time young Catalin
Was a page boy of that house,
Who filled the festive cups with wine
At feast and royal carouse.

And carried high the regal train;
A foundling, brought by chance,
Born of a humble unknown strain,
Though roguish in his glance,

Round-cheeked, like rose-apples red,
Mischievous, bright-eyed,
A slipped with quick yet stealthy tread
To Catalina's side.

Upon my soul, Queen of romance !
Was such a darling ever?
Come Catalin, quick try your chance,
For now's your time or never.

At which he round her waist did twine
His arm in sudden wooing.
"Behave, you rascal Catalin,
Whatever are you doing?"

"By sorrow brooding all the while
You would your heart assuage,
But better you would turn and smile
And kiss just once your page."

"I know not what your wishes are,
Leave me alone, you knave.
Ah me ! The longing for that star
Will drive me to the grave."

"If you don't know, and you would learn
How love is set about,
Don't recklessly my teaching spurn,
First fairly hear me out.

As trappers deftly birds pursue
With nets among the tree,
When I stretch out my arm to you,
Slip your arm thus round me.

Your eyes into my eyes must glow,
Nor turn away, nor close
And when I lift you softly, so,
Rise gently on your toes.

And when my face is downwards bent
Your face turned up will stay,
That we may gaze with sweet intent
For ever and a day.

While should you wish at last to learn
The measure of love's bliss,
When hot my lips on yours do burn
Give back again my kiss."

Amused, yet with a girl's surprise
At what the youth acclaimed,
She blushed and turned away her eyes,
Half willing, half ashamed.

"A chatterbox you were since small
With overmuch to tell,
Yet I had felt, in spite of all,
We'd suit each other well".

But Lucifer's slow sailing spark
Crept up out of the sea
Over the horizon's arc,
Prince of eternity.

And now my wretched heart does bleed,
With tears my eyes grow dim,
When e'er I watch the waves that speed
Across the sea to him.

While he looms with adoring ray
My grief to overthrow,
Yet ever climbs to heights away
Where mortals cannot go.

His silver beams that space defy
Sadly my watchers are
And I shall love him till I die,
Yet he be ever far.

And thus it is the days to me
Are drear as desert sand,
The nights filled with a mystery
I dare not understand..."

"How childish is the way you speak.
Come on ! Come, lets run away,
That all the world for us shall seek
Though no one finds the way.

And we shall nothing of this life regret
But joyous live and sprightly,
Till soon your parents you'll forget,
Nor dream your longings nightly."


Lucifer set out and o'er
The sky his wings extended,
And million years flew past before
As many moments ended.

A sky of stars above his way,
A sky of stars below;
As lightning flash midst them astray
In one continuous flow.

Till round his primal chaos hurled
When out of causeless night
The first, up flaming dawn unfurled
Its miracle of light.

Still further flew he ere the start
Of things of form devoid,
Spurred by the yearning of his heart,
Far back into the void.

Yet where he reach's is not the bourn
Nor yet where eye can see;
Beyond where struggling time was torn
Out of eternity.

Around him there was naught. And still,
Strange yearning there was yet,
A yearning that all space did fill,
As when the blind forget.

"O, Father God, this knot untie
Of my celestial birth,
And praised you will be on high
And on the rolling earth.

The price you ask is little count,
Give fate another course,
For you are of fair life the fount
And of calm death the source.

Take back this halo from my head,
Take back my starry lower,
And give to me, o God, instead
Of human love one hour.

Out of the chaos was I wrought,
In chaos would I be dispersed,
Out of the empty darkness brought,
For darkness do I thirst..."

"Hyperion, o child divine,
Don't thus your state disclaim,
Nor ask for miracle, nor sign
That has nor sense nor name.

You wish to be a man of son,
To be a star you scorn;
But men quick perish every one,
And men each day are born.

Yet stars burn on with even glow,
And it is fate's intending
That they nor time, nor place shall know,
Unfettered and unending.

Out of eternal yesterday
Into tomorrow's grave,
Even the sun will pass way
That other sun's shall lave;

The sun that every morn does rise
At last it's spirit gives,
For each thing lives because it dies,
And dies because it lives.

But you, Hyperion, never wane,
Night's miracle sublime,
But in the sky your place retain,
The wonder of all time.

So what strange fancy holds your mind
What dreaming thus berates you?
Return to earth and there you'll find
The awakening that awaits you."


Hyperion did straightway go
To where through ages gone
His gleam upon the earth below
Nightly he had shone.

And it was evening when he came,
Night's darkness slow assembled,
And rose the moon a frozen flame
That in the water trembled,

And filled the forest's twilight clime
With a silver starry mist,
Where 'neath a tall and spreading lime
Two fair-haired children kissed.

"O, let me lay in lover's wise
My head upon your breast,
Beneath the wonder of your eyes,
In soft and fragrant rest.

In mystery's enchanted light
Pervade me with your charm,
And flood my soul through passion's night
With time's eternal calm.

O, quench my longing's eager thirst,
My aching doubts overcast,
For you to me are love the first,
And of my dreams the last."

Hyperion gazed down and knew
The fire their souls possessed;
For scarce the boy her nearer drew,
She clasped him to her breast.

A rain of petals in the air
That softly did enfold
Two fervent children strangely fair,
With locks of plated gold.

She, lost in love's enraptured flight,
To heaven turned her eyes,
Saw Lucifer's down shining light
And whispered through her sighs:

"Come down, good Lucifer and kind,
O lord of my aspire.
And fill the forest and my mind
With your sweetest fire !"

And Lucifer, alone in space,
Her tender summons heard,
A planet o'er the ocean's face
That trembled at her word,

But did not plunge as in former day,
And in his heart did cry:
"O, what care you, fair face of clay,
If it be he or I?

Still earth shall only earth remain,
Let luck its course unfold,
And I in my own kingdom reign
Immutable and cold."

A fost odata ca-n povesti,
A fost ca niciodata,
Din rude mari imparatesti,
O prea frumoasa fata.

Si era una la parinti
Si mindra-n toate cele,
Cum e Fecioara intre sfinti
Si luna intre stele.

Din umbra falnicelor bolti
Ea pasul si-l indreapta
Linga fereastra, unde-n colt
Luceafarul asteapta.

Privea in zare cum pe mari
Rasare si straluce,
Pe miscatoarele carari
Corabii negre duce.

Il vede azi, il vede mini,
Astfel dorinta-i gata;
El iar, privind de saptamini,
Ii cade draga fata.

Cum ea pe coate-si razima
Visind ale ei timple
De dorul lui si inima
Si sufletu-i se imple.

Si cit de viu s-aprinde el
In orisicare sara,
Spre umbra negrului castel
Cind ea o sa-i apara.

Si pas cu pas pe urma ei
Aluneca-n odaie,
Tesind cu recile-i scintei
O mreaja de vapaie.

Si cind in pat se-ntinde drept
Copila sa se culce,
I-atinge miinile pe piept,
I-nchide geana dulce;

Si din oglinda luminis
Pe trupu-i se revarsa,
Pe ochii mari, batind inchisi
Pe fata ei intoarsa.

Ea il privea cu un suris,
El tremura-n oglinda,
Caci o urma adinc in vis
De suflet sa se prinda.

Iar ea vorbind cu el in somn,
Oftind din greu suspina:
- "O, dulce-al noptii mele domn,
De ce nu vii tu? Vina!

Cobori in jos, luceafar blind,
Alunecind pe-o raza,
Patrunde-n casa si in gind
Si viata-mi lumineaza!"

El asculta tremurator,
Se aprindea mai tare
Si s-arunca fulgerator,
Se cufunda in mare;

Si apa unde-au fost cazut
In cercuri se roteste,
Si din adinc necunoscut
Un mindru tinar creste.

Usor el trece ca pe prag
Pe marginea ferestrei
Si tine-n mina un toiag
Incununat cu trestii.

Parea un tinar voievod
Cu par de aur moale,
Un vinat giulgi se-ncheie nod
Pe umerele goale.

Iar umbra fetei stravezii
E alba ca de ceara -
Un mort frumos cu ochii vii
Ce scinteie-n afara.

- "Din sfera mea venii cu greu
Ca sa-ti urmez chemarea,
Iar cerul este tatal meu
Si muma-mea e marea.

Ca in camara ta sa vin,
Sa te privesc de-aproape,
Am coborit cu-al meu senin
Si m-am nascut din ape.

O, vin'! odorul meu nespus,
Si lumea ta o lasa;
Eu sunt luceafarul de sus,
Iar tu sa-mi fii mireasa.

Colo-n palate de margean
Te-oi duce veacuri multe,
Si toata lumea-n ocean
De tine o s-asculte."

- "O, esti frumos, cum numa-n vis
Un inger se arata,
Dara pe calea ce-ai deschis
N-oi merge niciodata;

Strain la vorba si la port,
Lucesti fara de viata,
Caci eu sunt vie, tu esti mort,
Si ochiul tau ma-ngheata."

Trecu o zi, trecura trei
Si iarasi, noaptea, vine
Luceafarul deasupra ei
Cu razele-i senine.

Ea trebui de el in somn
Aminte sa-si aduca
Si dor de-al valurilor domn
De inim-o apuca:

- "Cobori in jos, luceafar blind,
Alunecind pe-o raza,
Patrunde-n casa si in gind
Si viata-mi lumineaza!"

Cum el din cer o auzi,
Se stinse cu durere,
Iar ceru-ncepe a roti
In locul unde piere;

In aer rumene vapai
Se-ntind pe lumea-ntreaga,
Si din a chaosului vai
Un mindru chip se-ncheaga;

Pe negre vitele-i de par
Coroana-i arde pare,
Venea plutind in adevar
Scaldat in foc de soare.

Din negru giulgi se desfasor
Marmoreele brate,
El vine trist si ginditor
Si palid e la fata;

Dar ochii mari si minunati
Lucesc adinc himeric,
Ca doua patimi fara sat
Si pline de-ntuneric.

- "Din sfera mea venii cu greu
Ca sa te-ascult s-acuma,
Si soarele e tatal meu,
Iar noaptea-mi este muma;

O, vin', odorul meu nespus,
Si lumea ta o lasa;
Eu sunt luceafarul de sus,
Iar tu sa-mi fii mireasa.

O, vin', in parul tau balai
S-anin cununi de stele,
Pe-a mele ceruri sa rasai
Mai mindra decit ele."

- "O, esti frumos cum numa-n vis
Un demon se arata,
Dara pe calea ce-ai deschis
N-oi merge niciodata!

Ma dor de crudul tau amor
A pieptului meu coarde,
Si ochii mari si grei ma dor,
Privirea ta ma arde."

- "Dar cum ai vrea sa ma cobor?
Au nu-ntelegi tu oare,
Cum ca eu sunt nemuritor,
Si tu esti muritoare?"

- "Nu caut vorbe pe ales,
Nici stiu cum as incepe -
Desi vorbesti pe inteles,
Eu nu te pot pricepe;

Dar daca vrei cu crezamint
Sa te-ndragesc pe tine,
Tu te coboara pe pamint,
Fii muritor ca mine."

- "Tu-mi cei chiar nemurirea mea
In schimb pe-o sarutare,
Dar voi sa stii asemenea
Cit te iubesc de tare;

Da, ma voi naste din pacat,
Primind o alta lege;
Cu vecinicia sunt legat,
Ci voi sa ma dezlege."

Si se tot duce... S-a tot dus.
De dragu-unei copile,
S-a rupt din locul lui de sus,
Pierind mai multe zile.

In vremea asta Catalin,
Viclean copil de casa,
Ce imple cupele cu vin
Mesenilor la masa,

Un paj ce poarta pas cu pas
A-mparatesii rochii,
Baiat din flori si de pripas,
Dar indraznet cu ochii,

Cu obrajei ca doi bujori
De rumeni, bata-i vina,
Se furiseaza pinditor
Privind la Catalina.

Dar ce frumoasa se facu
Si mindra, arz-o focul;
Ei Catalin, acu-i acu
Ca sa-ti incerci norocul.

Si-n treacat o cuprinse lin
Intr-un ungher degraba.
- "Da' ce vrei, mari Catalin?
Ia du-t' de-ti vei de treaba."

- "Ce voi? As vrea sa nu mai stai
Pe ginduri totdeuna,
Sa rizi mai bine si sa-mi dai
O gura, numai una."

- "Dar nici nu stiu macar ce-mi ceri,
Da-mi pace, fugi departe -
O, de luceafarul din cer
M-a prins un dor de moarte."

- "Daca nu stii, ti-as arata
Din bob in bob amorul,
Ci numai nu te minia,
Ci stai cu binisorul.

Cum vinatoru-ntinde-n cring
La pasarele latul,
Cind ti-oi intinde bratul sting
Sa ma cuprinzi cu bratul;

Si ochii tai nemiscatori
Sub ochii mei ramiie...
De te inalt de subtiori
Te-nalta din calciie;

Cind fata mea se pleaca-n jos,
In sus ramii cu fata,
Sa ne privim nesatios
Si dulce toata viata;

Si ca sa-ti fie pe deplin
Iubirea cunoscuta,
Cind sarutindu-te ma-nclin,
Tu iarasi ma saruta."

Ea-l asculta pe copilas
Uimita si distrasa,
Si rusinos si dragalas,
Mai nu vrea, mai se lasa,

Si-i zise-ncet: - "Inca de mic
Te cunosteam pe tine,
Si guraliv si de nimic,
Te-ai potrivi cu mine...

Dar un luceafar, rasarit
Din linistea uitarii,
Da orizon nemarginit
Singuratatii marii;

Si tainic genele le plec,
Caci mi le imple plinsul
Cind ale apei valuri trec
Calatorind spre dinsul;

Luceste c-un amor nespus,
Durerea sa-mi alunge,
Dar se inalta tot mai sus,
Ca sa nu-l pot ajunge.

Patrunde trist cu raze reci
Din lumea ce-l desparte...
In veci il voi iubi si-n veci
Va raminea departe...

De-aceea zilele imi sunt
Pustii ca niste stepe,
Dar noptile-s de-un farmec sfint
Ce-l nu mai pot pricepe."

- "Tu esti copila, asta e...
Hai s-om fugi in lume,
Doar ni s-or pierde urmele
Si nu ne-or sti de nume.

Caci amindoi vom fi cuminti,
Vom fi voiosi si teferi,
Vei pierde dorul de parinti
Si visul de luceferi."

Porni luceafarul. Cresteau
In cer a lui aripe,
Si cai de mii de ani treceau
In tot atitea clipe.

Un cer de stele dedesupt,
Deasupra-i cer de stele -
Parea un fulger nentrerupt
Ratacitor prin ele.

Si din a chaosului vai,
Jur imprejur de sine,
Vedea, ca-n ziua cea dentii,
Cum izvorau lumine;

Cum izvorind il inconjor
Ca niste mari, de-a-notul...
El zboara, gind purtat de dor,
Pin' piere totul, totul;

Caci unde-ajunge nu-i hotar,
Nici ochi spre a cunoaste,
Si vremea-ncearca in zadar
Din goluri a se naste.

Nu e nimic si totusi e
O sete care-l soarbe,
E un adinc asemene
Uitarii celei oarbe.

- "De greul negrei vecinicii,
Parinte, ma dezleaga
Si laudat pe veci sa fii
Pe-a lumii scara-ntreaga;

O, cere-mi, Doamne, orice pret,
Dar da-mi o alta soarte,
Caci tu izvor esti de vieti
Si datator de moarte;

Reia-mi al nemuririi nimb
Si focul din privire,
Si pentru toate da-mi in schimb
O ora de iubire...

Din chaos, Doamne,-am aparut
Si m-as intoarce-n chaos...
Si din repaos m-am nascut.
Mi-e sete de repaos."

- "Hyperion, ce din genuni
Rasai c-o-ntreaga lume,
Nu cere semne si minuni
Care n-au chip si nume;

Tu vrei un om sa te socoti,
Cu ei sa te asameni?
Dar piara oamenii cu toti,
S-ar naste iarasi oameni.

Ei numai doar dureaza-n vint
Deserte idealuri -
Cind valuri afla un mormint,
Rasar in urma valuri;

Ei doar au stele cu noroc
Si prigoniri de soarte,
Noi nu avem nici timp, nici loc,
Si nu cunoastem moarte.

Din sinul vecinicului ieri
Traieste azi ce moare,
Un soare de s-ar stinge-n cer
S-aprinde iarasi soare;

Parind pe veci a rasari,
Din urma moartea-l paste,
Caci toti se nasc spre a muri
Si mor spre a se naste.

Iar tu, Hyperion, ramii
Oriunde ai apune...
Cere-mi cuvintul meu dentii -
Sa-ti dau intelepciune?

Vrei sa dau glas acelei guri,
Ca dup-a ei cintare
Sa se ia muntii cu paduri
Si insulele-n mare?

Vrei poate-n fapta sa arati
Dreptate si tarie?
Ti-as da pamintul in bucati
Sa-l faci imparatie.

Iti dau catarg linga catarg,
Ostiri spre a strabate
Pamintu-n lung si marea-n larg,
Dar moartea nu se poate...

Si pentru cine vrei sa mori?
Intoarce-te, te-ndreapta
Spre-acel pamint ratacitor
Si vezi ce te asteapta."

In locul lui menit din cer
Hyperion se-ntoarse
Si, ca si-n ziua cea de ieri,
Lumina si-o revarsa.

Caci este sara-n asfintit
Si noaptea o sa-nceapa;
Rasare luna linistit
Si tremurind din apa.

Si imple cu-ale ei scintei
Cararile din cringuri.
Sub sirul lung de mindri tei
Sedeau doi tineri singuri:

- "O, lasa-mi capul meu pe sin,
Iubito, sa se culce
Sub raza ochiului senin
Si negrait de dulce;

Cu farmecul luminii reci
Gindirile strabate-mi,
Revarsa liniste de veci
Pe noaptea mea de patimi.

Si de asupra mea ramii
Durerea mea de-o curma,
Caci esti iubirea mea dentii
Si visul meu din urma."

Hyperion vedea de sus
Uimirea-n a lor fata;
Abia un brat pe git i-a pus
Si ea l-a prins in brate...

Miroase florile-argintii
Si cad, o dulce ploaie,
Pe crestetele-a doi copii
Cu plete lungi, balaie.

Ea, imbatata de amor,
Ridica ochii. Vede
Luceafarul. Si-ncetisor
Dorintele-i increde:

- "Cobori in jos, luceafar blind,
Alunecind pe-o raza,
Patrunde-n codru si in gind,
Norocu-mi lumineaza!"

El tremura ca alte dati
In codri si pe dealuri,
Calauzind singuratati
De miscatoare valuri;

Dar nu mai cade ca-n trecut
In mari din tot inaltul:
- "Ce-ti pasa tie, chip de lut,
Dac-oi fi eu sau altul?

Traind in cercul vostru strimt
Norocul va petrece,
Ci eu in lumea mea ma simt
Nemuritor si rece."

1883, 24 apr - 6 mai

Mihail Eminescu

Source: Gabriel Ditu,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Educational Technology

1. BJET- British Journal of Educational Technology
2. CAE - Computer Applications in Engineering Education

BJET- British Journal of Educational Technology
Edited by:
Nick Rushby, Print ISSN: 0007-1013, Online ISSN: 1467-8535
Frequency: Bi-monthly, ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2009: Education & Educational Research: 32 / 139, Impact Factor: 1.255


Educational technology in China_1094 541..548
Liu Meifeng, Lv Jinjiao and Kang Cui
Vol 41 No 4 2010 pages 541–548


"Based on the above understanding, Liu (2003) put forward the position of educational technology in broad sense. She pointed out that there are three aspects of educational technology knowledge:
1. Knowledge about identifying the educational or instructional practical problem, trying to search for a basis, to utilise or to transfer science or technology theories and experiences related to teaching and learning. And then, through study, experiment and exploration, creatively forming the problem-solving principles, procedures, approaches or methods, skills or techniques and the requirement for related desirable resources (media, environments and corresponding support systems).
2. Knowledge about how to design, develop, utilise, manage and evaluate the related process and required resources for solving the problem above. Here the process involves a series of operations or activities directed at solving the problem; resources refer to the desirable various media, environment and corresponding support system required in the solution to the problem.
3. Knowledge about ideology, the application model and the procedure for the implementation of the systems approach and formative research based on action research. This knowledge is about methodology of educational technology instead of the specific method (for example, experiment, questionnaire), which directs educational technologists to think and solve the practical problems and forms the knowledge of educational technology (Liu, 2003, 2006). Regarding the relationship between the discipline of educational technology and other disciplines of the field of education addressed by Liu (2006), there are at least three modes of thinking in the field of education (Huang, 1998):
1. The philosophical mode of thinking is to reflect and research on ‘why education’ in the field of education: its purpose is to interpret the nature of education. This task has been undertaken by the discipline of educational philosophy.
2. The scientific mode of thinking refers to the way of thinking and research area of ‘what is education’ in the field of education: its purpose is to describe the law of education, explain educational phenomenon and predict the future of education. Those have been the mission of many disciplines of sciences of education, such as educational psychology, Educational sociology and so on.
3. The technological mode of thinking refers to the way of thinking and research area of ‘how to educate’ in the field of education. It aims at promoting educational goal achieved effectively and efficiently, based on the educational theories described by educational philosophy and sciences of education


The educational technology centre: A window to view the progress of Chinese ICT-based higher education (pages 642–659)
Rong Zhou and Baizhi Xie

"In China, after many years, the current status and challenges of e-learning development in higher education have been gradually understood. The educational technology centre (ECT) serves as the key unit to promote e-learning initiatives, but the performance of some centres still trails their foreign counterparts. Under such conditions, the project ‘Construction Model of the ETC in Chinese Universities and Colleges’ was conducted. An investigation of the e-learning performance of 70 ETCs was provided and the main problems were identified through quantitative analysis. Then, with the guidance of international standards, the ‘functional-level’ model coupled with some common strategies for its application was created as an innovative blueprint to help the ETCs towards excellence.
Today, Chinese ETCs are facing and will continuously face great challenges brought about by newly appearing technologies and pedagogies in post-secondary instruction. However, the standards and models directly guiding the ETC’s development remain mostly absent acrossmuch of China. Owing to insufficient understanding of their roles and tasks in conducting e-learning, some ECTs have fallen behind. Our project tries to fill the blanks relating to the relevant research and hopes that the implementation of the functional level model based on the investigation of 70 ETCs in Chinese universities will pave the way for the future success of all such centres.

CAE - Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Edited by: Magdy F. Iskander, Online ISSN: 1099-0542



June 2010, Volume 18, Issue 2 (pages 331–343)
On Examples of E-Education Environment for Distance Graduate Studies
By JONAS MOCKUS, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Akademijos 4, Vilnius LT-08663, Lithuania

"The traditional way of learning is based on textbooks and formal lectures. For recent results of information technologies and computer sciences a different approach is needed [1]. For scientific collaboration, the possibility of running software, developed by colleagues, on the Internet is essential. One can directly test the results of other researchers by running their software with different data. Therefore algorithms, software, and the results published in the scientific articles can be investigated independently.
This possibility is not yet widely used, but the potential appears great. We can test the software by running Java applets. The snapshots of graphical user interfaces are useful for testing the results, too. The snapshots help to make calculations exactly as authors intended. In open source software no clear boundaries between users and developers are defined. The software developed by a user often is applied by many others. Therefore open source software is an important tool for academic studies and scientific collaboration. For example, the Linux operating system is the result of Linus Torvalds graduate studies at the University of Helsinki [2]

[1] J. Mockus, Investigation of examples of e-education
environment for scientific collaboration and distance
graduate studies, part 1, Informatica 17 (2006), 259_
[2] L. Torvalds and D. Diamond, Just for fun: The story
of an accidental revolutionary, Harper Collins
Publishers, New York, 2002.

BETT London 2011

BETT London 2011: The best showcase of UK and international educational technology products, resources and best practice.


O noua abordare in EDUCATIE:
continut educational pe sisteme multi-touch (Surface device developed by Microsoft)

SIVECO Romania at BETT 2011

"SIVECO Romania presents at BETT also Augmented Reality, an educational solution providing the most advanced learning experience. Augmented Reality is a revolutionary technology allowing the interaction between the user and a virtual object, whose movement can be controlled by the user and rendered through digital sensors in real time. By using just a video camera and a computer, users can handle various educational virtual objects. Pupils can explore the solar system or can analyze the internal organs, in actual size, projected directly on their own body."
Source:, Press Releases

Londra, BETT 2011
" ... in an de criza investitia in educatia se dubleaza,oriunde in lume." (Prof. Radu Jugureanu, facebook, BETT 2011 - epoca 3D ...dar "merge pe iPad?"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Legea educaţiei naţionale - Legea 1/2011

MOTTO: „Şcoala are ca obiective majore formarea tinerilor pentru o dezvoltare individuală, o dezvoltare ca buni cetăţeni şi o pregătire pentru găsirea locului de muncă în societate”. Spiru Haret (1851-1912), academician, matematician, pedagog şi ministru reformator al învăţământului românesc
Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, Nr. 18 - 10 ianuarie 2011 (Legea educatiei nationale) - Legea 1/2011

Ref.: (pdf)[se alege 10 ian. 2011]
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Studiu, analiza, metodologii, regulamente, implementare.

ATENTIE! Art. 214 alin. (4) este IDENTIC (copiat) cu art. 72 alin. (5) din Legea nr.128/1997 privind Statutul personalului didactic, declarat neconstituţional de Curtea Constituţională a României.

Continutul acestui aliniat este identic (copiat) cu art. 72 alin. (5) din Legea nr.128/1997.
Curtea Constituţională a României a declarat ca neconstituţionale dispoziţiile art.72 alin (5) din Legea nr.128/1997 privind Statutul personalului didactic, dispoziţii potrivit cărora "Atribuţiile şi competenţele structurilor şi ale funcţiilor de conducere din învăţământul superior sunt stabilite prin Carta universitară a instituţiei, potrivit legii." (Deciziile nr. 731 si 732 din 7 mai 2009 publicate în M. Of. Partea I nr. 395 din 11 iunie 2009)

Curtea Constituţională arată că “în condiţiile în care dreptul la învăţătură este garantat de stat, apare normal ca acesta să poată verifica modalitatea în care sunt organizate, ca structură şi atribuţii, instituţiile care realizează procesul de învăţământ, fie ele de stat sau private. ... Art.72 alin.(5) din Legea nr.128/1997 lasă o libertate deplină universităţilor, ca prin carta universitară să stabilească atribuţiile şi competenţele structurilor şi ale funcţiilor de conducere din învăţământul superior, fără o intervenţie a statului, care ar trebui să acorde girul unei organizări corecte a instituţiei de învăţământ. ... Liberul arbitru pe care îl instituie dispoziţiile art.72 alin.(5) din Legea nr.128/1997 este evident, în condiţiile în care formularea acestui text lasă deplină latitudine cartei universitare în organizarea structurilor de conducere, precum şi cu privire la controlul modalităţii de administrare sau de stabilire a politicilor de cadre pe care fiecare facultate le poate face, în temeiul aceleiaşi legi. ... Prin urmare, se instituie un monopol pe care îl deţine universitatea cu privire la organizare şi funcţionare, monopol ce nu poate fi desfiinţat şi intră în contradicţie cu normele stabilite prin legi organice prin care rectorul este confirmat de ministerul de resort.

Avand in vedere motivarea publicata de Curtea Constituţională privind neconstituţionalitatea dispoziţiile art.72 alin.(5) din Legea nr.128/1997 privind Statutul personalului didactic, “Atributiile si competentele structurilor si ale functiilor de conducere din învatamântul superior” trebuie definite in Legea organica si Nu in Carta universitara.

.. DETALII ...

De ce trebuie sa cunoastem legile, regulamentele, metodologiile?

Se stie (se constata in timp!) ca se pot face greseli in activitatea profesionala, economica, sociala etc. daca nu cunosti si nu intelegi regulile, regulamentele, legile. De fapt, se spune ca nu se poate absolvi nimeni de o sanctiune prevazuta in legislatie, invocand "nu am stiut, nu am cunoscut faptul ca este o incalcare a unor prevederi". Pe de alta parte, daca nu cunosti legislatia si regulamentele, poti suferi prin neaplicarea legilor sau prin aplicarea incorecta a acestora. Poti fi indus in eroare sau poti fi manipulat, uneori cu consecinte foarte grave. Exemple sunt foarte multe, in mass-media sau, aflate din discutii particulare.

Structuri, management şi legislaţie
Facultăţile din România funcţionează fără Regulament de organizare şi funcţionare

Unde nu sunt regulamente, reguli, proceduri, metodologii, .... acolo ...


Art. 131 din Carta Universitară (CU) elaborată în anul 1996 (de exemplu CU a Universităţii din Bucureşti), prevedea ca în termen de 90 de zile de la data adoptãrii, să se elaboreze regulamentele prevãzute la Art. 9. Acest articol prevedea la lit. a) elaborarea regulamentului privind organizarea şi funcţionarea facultăţilor, departamentelor, centrelor de cercetare. Art. 131 din CU modificată în anul 2003 transferă facultăţilor elaborarea regulamentului privind organizarea şi funcţionarera acestora şi nu precizează nici un termen de finalizare şi elaborare. In prezent, este adoptata modificarea CU in anul 2008, iar articolul 140 alin. (2) este cel care se refera la regulamentele facultatilor.
Astăzi, după o simplă documentare şi observaţie (o trecere în revistă a site-urilor universităţilor şi facultaţilor), se constată că majoritatea facultăţilor nu au elaborat acest regulament şi nu funcţionează după un regulament de organizare şi funcţionare aşa cum prevede art. 131 din CU. În schimb, există şi facultăţi din ţara care au elaborat un astfel de regulament, de exemplu, în anul 2008 au fost elaborate astfel de regulamente la: Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi - Facultatea de Geografie şi Geologie, ASE Bucureşti - Facultatea de Economie. La Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" Cluj-Napoca - Facultatea de Drept există un astfel de Regulament din anul 2004.
La Universitatea din Bucureşti nu există un astfel de regulament, în schimb în anul 2008 au fost elaborate Regulamentele de organizare şi funcţionare a Senatului şi respectiv Biroului Senatului. De remarcat este faptul că din prevederile conţinute în Carta Universitară se deduce că facultăţile îşi elaborează propriile regulamente şi le supune spre aprobare Senatului (art.131 alin.(2)). Este posibil ca această situaţie să fi condus la starea actuală în care nici o facultate nu şi-a elaborat propriul său regulament de organizare şi funcţionare. Având în vedere că structurile de organizare şi conducere din sistemul de învăţământ naţional sunt identice şi dispoziţiile legilor educaţiei sunt identice pentru acestea, nu sunt necesare regulamente care să difere de la o facultate la alta. Într-adevăr, apar particularităţi privind denumirile şi numărul catedrelor sau departamentelor din cadrul unei facultăti, dar organizarea, atribuţiile şi competenţele acestora nu diferă de la o facultate la alta, sau de la o universitate la alta.
De altfel, Decizia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art.72 alin.(5) din Legea nr.128/1997 privind Statutul personalului didactic s-a pronunţat de către Curtea Constituţională ca urmare a unor dispoziţii ale legilor organice diferite între sectorul de stat şi cel privat. În consecinţă, nici Carta Universitară a unei universităţi nu trebuie să difere de Carta Universitară a altei universităţi în ceea ce priveşte organizarea, atribuţiile şi competenţele structurilor şi organismelor de conducere.


NOTA: La UB, exista - REGULAMENT de organizare şi funcţionare a Facultăţii de Sociologie şi Asistenţă Socială (Prezentul Regulament a fost aprobat de Consiliul Facultăţii din data de 09.12.2009) | A fost aprobat de Senatul UB (conform CU)?
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- 2011, se adopta Legea 1/2011 (Legea educatiei nationale)
- 1997, se adopta Legea 128/1997 (Statutul personalului didactic)
- 1996, se adopa Carta universitara (modificata in 2003, la UB)
- 1995, se adopta Legea 84/1995 (Legea invatamantului, republicata 1999)

Update: 15 ianuarie - Noul regulament de funcţionare a CNATDCU
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NEW: Informatica este arondata, nu la Matematica, ci la :

comisia: Ingineria si tehnologia informatiei
domenii: 1. INFORMATICA, 2. Calculatoare si tehnologia informatiei, 3. Ingineria sistemelor
Ref. : Ordinul 5328/2010 privind aprobarea Regulamentului de organizare si functionare a Consiliului National de Atestare a Titlurilor, Diplomelor si Certificatelor Universitare (CNATDCU)